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59 posts total
I'm almost at a loss for words...

In a nutshell, Russian artillery batteries have been firing in Europe's largest nuclear power plant, the fires are out of control, and it's expected that the resulting meltdown will be at least ten times worse than Chernobyl.

WWIII ended on Christmas day 1991.
WWIV has begun.
I'm almost at a loss for words...

In a nutshell, Russian artillery batteries have been firing in Europe's largest nuclear power plant, the fires are out of control, and it's expected that the resulting meltdown will be at least ten times worse than Chernobyl.
Deadly Headshot

Fires are now extinguished apparently (or at least close to that), but the Russians are now in control of the power station, so they probably consider the tactic to have worked...

I'm less than 24hrs, a will crash into the moon.

This will occur tomorrow at exactly 4:25am, Pacific Standard Time - give or take a few seconds.

You can watch this live... Actually, lolz, you can't. Unlike the metaphor of a tree that falls in the forest when no one is around, there's plenty to be learned even though nothing will actually witness the impact, because it's on the far (not dark) side of the moon.

Just to be clear, this is the Chinese second stage booster of the Chang'e 5-T1 lunar mission's rocket, and NOT the SpaceX rocket everyone was telling you that it is - SpaceX had absolutely nothing to do with this.

Soon after, several monitoring spacecraft will eventually be able to observe the aftermath abd begin gathering important data when their orbits bring them over the impact area. The most intriguing discoveries will likely be more about the water that we know exists on the moon.
I'm less than 24hrs, a will crash into the moon.

This will occur tomorrow at exactly 4:25am, Pacific Standard Time - give or take a few seconds.
Hahahaha.... anti-woke blowback continues in defiance of the Joe Brandon executive order (meaning, NOT legislated). The USPS wisely decides to upgrade their fleet of mail delivery trucks with powered vehicle purchases...

"While we can understand why some who are not responsible for the financial sustainability of the Postal Service might prefer that the Postal Service acquire more electric vehicles, the law requires the Postal Service to be self-sufficient,"

Well said, duh! Common sense and ecological responsibility prevails!
Hahahaha.... anti-woke blowback continues in defiance of the Joe Brandon executive order (meaning, NOT legislated). The USPS wisely decides to upgrade their fleet of mail delivery trucks with powered vehicle purchases...

Calculator app, lolz... How big?

Less than 5 Megs - but why is it a GigaByte when you install it?
Crypto, , ExpressVPN, Search Engines, and the Crown Prince of Korea - The Spaghetti Code Chronicles: Episode #1

Freenode has, after dying, disappeared - sort of... [You may want to boost this if you're a or Crypto Enthusiast]

This is really hard to explain, unless you understand the blow by blow chain of events because you lived through them. Maybe you are a large FOSS project whose chans on freenode were hijacked by the - Andrew Lee, or woke up one morning to realize that there were now two major - one growing faster than any other before, and one shrinking even faster as users and projects jumped ship for other IRC networks and communication protocols like fleas jumping off of a cat being eaten by a reticulated python.

It's waaaay too complicated to go into the [recent] history of what happened just a few months ago, and I'm going to paste a blob below of part of the monolog by explaining it from his point of view - specifically, where he's at now and where he's trying to go. It at least attempts to gesso over the top of the previously painted picture, trying to recast and depict him as the altruistic philanthropist that he claims to have been all along.

Okay, from my perspective, what he did was, well I won't say unforgivable, but the enormity of damage he instigated when setting alight what he refers to as, "#The_IRC_Wars", has indeed been enormous.

Most of us would simply characterize the mass exodus from freenode to in an almost parallel manner to how General Chiang Kai-shek and the government of the Republic of China fled the mainland and re-established themselves on the island of Formosa (Taiwan) - in that scenario, I suppose you could draw the inference that the Crown Prince of Korea, Andrew Lee, in that screenplay, has been cast as Mao Tse-tung.

Comparisons aside, Mr. Lee has not murdered anyone (certainly not 101 million of his own people like Chairman Mao did), and IRC is just a protocol, and freenode (the legal entity) is/was simply a property of "Private Internet Access" - but this is only the very beginning of the story, and only scratching the surface... This goes really, really fricken' deep buoys and gulls.

For the very brave, read on, I can't do this topic justice in only 10,000 characters, but I can show you where many of the burrows are in the plains for all of the rodents tunneling underneath - and it may actually freak you out to discover who some of these players are....

I promise this is a mix of the good, the bad, and the ugly - without the flute or cigar.

Okay, first, let's give out some kudos to Andrew Lee for finding a way to, at least from his perspective, recover from the bruising he received, and that the IRC network could care less about - they've moved on, along with any FOSS projects that where either voluntarily migrated or forcefully expelled when their freenode channels and projects were hijacked by Andrew Lee.

When you first visit Freenode's .net website you'll notice that it's gone - no mention of an IRC network. It looks likes a cheap version of or , but it's actually a non-Fediverse link aggregator called .

If you start poking around because you already know that there used to be an IRC network called freenode, you can find links to it in a sidebar after clicking around for a bit. Everything is, sort of, still there (they did change the Authentication methods). Okay so freenode's website was never very good at navigating or branding the itself, but now it's virtually hidden.

We all know that what precipitated the downfall of freenode was the transfer of ownership to Andrew Lee's company, , but what you most probably are not aware of is the web of companies involved.

If you visit the site today they'e selling subscriptions to what they claim is the most secure VPN service available - just like every other company that provides these types of services. But when digging around on the freenode domain, I found an amazing dissertation by that actually softened my position on him in a very significant way - I still think he's a bonehead, yet I can see that at least in his own mind, he felt that he was saving the Internet in the name of freedom, or some shit like that.

So I got his with a webchat offer, you know, when the company of a brand is trying to capture your business without letting you escape? I bit down on the bait and figured we'd go for a little ride.

I first checked to make sure I wasn't being serviced by a bot, then I asked about freenode (I'll post my chat log screenies), I was told that does NOT own freenode, but that both are owned by another company. When I asked, I was told that this company is .

Now I landed here trying to find out what's up with one of my longstanding fav search engines for about 20 years now. about six months or so ago, they stated that they had partnered with "freenode" to power the privacy based search engine.

So.... ... a company that owns freenode, and private_sh, and PIA (a VPN service), and a shitload of other companies - none of which have any information linking their associations to others - except for Kape itself, but freenode is noticably absent there - you'll see why in a bit.

So the private-dot-sh search engine does not mention Gigablast in the least. Gigablast is still privately owned and operated by , and has been for over twenty years since he left , and it also provides search results to 's , and the , among others. It's one of the biggest deals in web indexing you may never have heard of...

But no mention of Gigablast at .

If you visit Kape's website, you'll notice that there is around a dozen or more brands it owns (Andrew Lee owns, unbeknownst to most folks), including , which most folks have heard of through radio, television, and Internet ads.

Okay let's turn now to freenode specifically, Lee states that according to legislation passed last year in the state of , he has, or is planning on incorporating an algorithmically managed company, because these new laws allow them to own other corporations.

What's that you say? It's a - an .

Lee has basically, (or says he intends to), incorporated a DAO, which will own freenode, which itself already owns - which appears to be both an client AND an IRC network - but the client is not available at (F-Droid).

The client is apparently based on or supporting of and .

The page where Lee lays all of this out is listed near the top of this post. Lee states that he wants to turn freenode over to "the people", as a completely distributed network, under the custodianship of a DAO.

The problem here, is that, unlike or , and other decentralized communication protocols, IRC doesn't have any way to really federate across domains (not really, individual servers can have hostnames from different domains, but it's a single network that you're just throwing more horsepower at to keep it running), It can only scale vertically by having more servers join a particular, monolithic network.

But anyway, here is his interesting take on how he has begun to give over freenode (The brand? The network? It's properties like and that client/network?) to , or claims to do so very soon.

The most interesting thing is that he really appears to harbor no ill will towards those who he feels stabbed him in the back, which may be lip service, or it may be a noble gesture, after all, he did lay himself out prostrate, defending his actions and intentions at in the days following the calamity that started all of this, which is something I've never seen any other billionaire bother to do. So my feelings toward him are rather ambiguous at this point, quite an improvement over how I used to feel about him....

He makes no mention of which he intends to issue for with respect to the DAO - Let's hope it's based on the blockchains of or or and not .

He's actually planning on giving ownership of freenode to the users of Libera as well as whomever is left at freenode, and that is some rather visionary forward thinking in and of itself - but we'll see what really happens.

Here's what Lee envisions:

1.) A DAO, all token holders participate in corporate management and decision-making.

2.) The allocations are as follows:

The freenode userbase will be 25% of all tokens.

The freenode channels will be 10% of all tokens.

The Libera userbase will be 25% of all tokens.

The Libera channel base will be 10% of all tokens.

For the Libera team, in continuing to recognize their importance in the ecosystem of the FOSS community. Their allocation is 15% of all tokens.

Operators who helped to protect freenode, 2.5% of all tokens, and for the current freenode staff 5%,

freenode owns and 2.5% of all tokens have been allocated for this partner.

Lee, as the owner of freenode allocates himself 5% of all tokens.

Note: This news is two months old. There were six comments made to the blog article, all of which were deleted by Lee.

Okay, I'm interested in hearing everyone's thoughts. This is still apparently a fluid situation whether the concept of a freenode is at all relevant or not.

Crypto, , ExpressVPN, Search Engines, and the Crown Prince of Korea - The Spaghetti Code Chronicles: Episode #1

Freenode has, after dying, disappeared - sort of... [You may want to boost this if you're a
This is insanity... pure insanity. It's like 1933 all over again with the Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich, and so it's no surprise, even expected, that Trudeau is no longer consulting or informing members of Parliament...

Will he, can he, dissolve Parliament now?
This is insanity... pure insanity. It's like 1933 all over again with the Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich, and so it's no surprise, even expected, that Trudeau is no longer consulting or informing members of Parliament...

ANSWER: 1 day later!

Parliament is suspended - just like Hitler did in 1933. I said this was the next step.

Canada has fallen - it is now a fascist state, there is no Parliament, only a lone dictator, Justin Trudeau.
ANSWER: 1 day later!

Parliament is suspended - just like Hitler did in 1933. I said this was the next step.


What's happening in Canada is a reflection of the outcome of the 2020 election that found Joe Brandon ascending to the thrown he now sits upon... Already, the freedom movement is sweeping across the United States and a trucker convoy is apparently organizing for a cross-country run from California to Washington D.C.

If that happens, and there is violence on part of the communist regime in Washington, it will not end well for the sitting government - people are pissed. We've been lied to, corralled for two years, herded through digital checkpoints and denied even the freedom to go to the beaches or public parks.

To grasp the gravity of the situation, just one week of truckers on a nationwide general strike, letting the food rot on the docks and refusing to pick up or deliver anything means nothing left on the shelves at the supermarkets, no fuel for vehicles - society, and especially our tyrannical government would cease to function.

Why are the truckers still parked at the Parliament building in Ottawa and closing the border to Michigan via the Ambassador Bridge? Because they know that you cannot negotiate with terrorists - in this case, Justin Trudeau.

What's happening in Canada is a reflection of the outcome of the 2020 election that found Joe Brandon ascending to the thrown he now sits upon... Already, the freedom movement is sweeping across the United States and a trucker convoy is apparently organizing for a cross-country run from California to Washington D.C.

Kudos to my friend Danie, Who does much more for the advocacy of the Fediverse an an ambassador of FOSS computing than pretty much anyone I know.

Please follow him, as he continues to educate and popularize federated, decentralized social networking in the most pleasant and friendly manner.

Kudos to my friend Danie, Who does much more for the advocacy of the Fediverse an an ambassador of FOSS computing than pretty much anyone I know.

Please follow him, as he continues to educate and popularize federated, decentralized social networking in the most pleasant and friendly manner.

This is an excellent overview of the hugely popular XMPP based social networking world in the Fediverse - check out Danie's MovIM video with basic overview of functionality and just how huge it really is.


Border meltdown approaches mutiny as Agents turn their backs to Secretary of Homeland Security.

[Please Boost] (and share the video everywhere)

Following the suicide last week of his predecessor, The new US Border Patrol Chief is asked by Secretary of Homeland Security Ali Mayorkus to take over the meeting in this video as the gathering of officers becomes unruly during the Secretary's address.

You won't see this on the news, just like you weren't ever supposed to see evidence of the secret, clandestine airline flights under cover of darkness while airports are closed, delivering illegal alien insurgents to all parts of the nation - with your tax dollars!

This is not conjecture. This is not fake news.

This is irrefutable, immutable, empirical evidence of dereliction of duty by the President of the United States - an impeachable offense.

Here's what we all know is going to happen:

* By the power vested in the Representatives by the people who elected them to the House of Representatives, President Joe Biden will be Impeached following the elections in November 2022.

* Following the impeachment of President Joe Biden, by the power vested in the United States Senate by We the People of The United States, he will be convicted shortly thereafter and removed from office.

Here's what we don't know, but might be really fucking funny if it goes down this way (and it is not outside the realm of possibility):

Vice President Harris the Whore will be impeached and convicted first for her part in these acts of sedition immediately before Biden.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, as next in constitutional line of ascension, will be sworn in as the next President of the United States.

Problem solved, except for one thing...

I always prefer my pound of flesh, and for me, this will only amount to slightly more than a pirric victory if the Communist in Chief Joe Brandon doesn't still have his wits about him when he is removed from office by Congress - he really needs to own this, he really needs to be cognizant of the fact that he'll go down in history as the shittiest President this nation has ever had.... He needs to spend his disgraced twilight years in his ice cream basement completely and totally aware of just what a complete and utter failure his entire political career has been.

Corn Pop was a bad dude... at least he was something.

@madmaxfz @KarePatriot @Zennblack @agentcasey @illumiNadia

Border meltdown approaches mutiny as Agents turn their backs to Secretary of Homeland Security.

[Please Boost] (and share the video everywhere)
Here's lookin' atcha BLM'ers....

Fuck you racist Bolsheviks.
changes its mind, decides that it now supports forced from healthy living humans residing in and .

We urge you to support the too, so even if the athletes themselves are fucking pussies that won't unite and refuse to compete in that fucking shithole of a country, you can make a difference by tuning all of your television sets into the games simultaneously, in support of , , and .

! (Fuck Joe Biden)
changes its mind, decides that it now supports forced from healthy living humans residing in and .

We urge you to support the
The beginning of the end of the mentality in software development.

I I'm to be so bold as to make a prediction, this is the roadhead into a world where places like Microsoft's is merely used as a directory, much like Yahoo, DMOZ, and google, to locate project repos hosted elsewhere by virtue of those projects only being mirrored at silos like Github.

The beginning of the end of the mentality in software development.

I I'm to be so bold as to make a prediction, this is the roadhead into a world where places like Microsoft's
You Go Girl !!! MMmmm, MMMmmm Mmmm!

has never been known to mince his words, or bite his tongue, or fail to give credit where credit is due.

To this day, is still a punk ass little bitch.

Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds, hosted by Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) in Otaniemi on June 14, 2012. Linus was interviewed by Will Cardwell and followed with a Q&A session with the audience. Enjoy!

Event producer Zaira Mammadova ( @iamzaira )

Video produced by Oneminstory {}


Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) aims at creating business success stories from the science and art within Aalto community, and working as a catalyst for elevating high ambition entrepreneurship from Finland and through the Baltic region.

You Go Girl !!! MMmmm, MMMmmm Mmmm!

has never been known to mince his words, or bite his tongue, or fail to give credit where credit is due.

I've been hit with a few messages to provide the whole video of Linus' townhall style Q&A.

Honestly, it's a great talk in his homeland, very candid, and I encourage you to give it a listen. I've also provided the time stamp in the description so you can just go straight to the girl asking the immortal question that set him off lolz...
I've been hit with a few messages to provide the whole video of Linus' townhall style Q&A.

Honestly, it's a great talk in his homeland, very candid, and I encourage you to give it a listen. I've also provided the time stamp in the description so you can just go straight to the girl asking the immortal question that set him off lolz...
Breaking News:

At this very moment we're having a Livestream via YouTube.

I've asked the question about the possibility for Matrix as a plugin capability. It has received several +1's from other prominent members in the community but so far they have chosen not to address the question.

is *just* okay, as it's not the most performant, yet it does provide a good level of security.

More universal, however, is , hence, my question to the team.

Yes I know, I encourage everyone to use Invidious to sanitize YouTube VoDs, or choose another platform entirely. This is however, live, so in order to get in and have these questions considered by the team there's really no other option during this premeire (perhaps in the future, they'll multi-stream with across several platforms like and ;)

Breaking News:

At this very moment we're having a Livestream via YouTube.

I've asked the question about the possibility for Matrix as a plugin capability. It has received several +1's from other prominent members in the community but so far they have chosen not to address the question.
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