What's happening in Canada is a reflection of the outcome of the 2020 election that found Joe Brandon ascending to the thrown he now sits upon... Already, the freedom movement is sweeping across the United States and a trucker convoy is apparently organizing for a cross-country run from California to Washington D.C.

If that happens, and there is violence on part of the communist regime in Washington, it will not end well for the sitting government - people are pissed. We've been lied to, corralled for two years, herded through digital checkpoints and denied even the freedom to go to the beaches or public parks.

To grasp the gravity of the situation, just one week of truckers on a nationwide general strike, letting the food rot on the docks and refusing to pick up or deliver anything means nothing left on the shelves at the supermarkets, no fuel for vehicles - society, and especially our tyrannical government would cease to function.

Why are the truckers still parked at the Parliament building in Ottawa and closing the border to Michigan via the Ambassador Bridge? Because they know that you cannot negotiate with terrorists - in this case, Justin Trudeau.