
Border meltdown approaches mutiny as Agents turn their backs to Secretary of Homeland Security.

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Following the suicide last week of his predecessor, The new US Border Patrol Chief is asked by Secretary of Homeland Security Ali Mayorkus to take over the meeting in this video as the gathering of officers becomes unruly during the Secretary's address.

You won't see this on the news, just like you weren't ever supposed to see evidence of the secret, clandestine airline flights under cover of darkness while airports are closed, delivering illegal alien insurgents to all parts of the nation - with your tax dollars!

This is not conjecture. This is not fake news.

This is irrefutable, immutable, empirical evidence of dereliction of duty by the President of the United States - an impeachable offense.

Here's what we all know is going to happen:

* By the power vested in the Representatives by the people who elected them to the House of Representatives, President Joe Biden will be Impeached following the elections in November 2022.

* Following the impeachment of President Joe Biden, by the power vested in the United States Senate by We the People of The United States, he will be convicted shortly thereafter and removed from office.

Here's what we don't know, but might be really fucking funny if it goes down this way (and it is not outside the realm of possibility):

Vice President Harris the Whore will be impeached and convicted first for her part in these acts of sedition immediately before Biden.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, as next in constitutional line of ascension, will be sworn in as the next President of the United States.

Problem solved, except for one thing...

I always prefer my pound of flesh, and for me, this will only amount to slightly more than a pirric victory if the Communist in Chief Joe Brandon doesn't still have his wits about him when he is removed from office by Congress - he really needs to own this, he really needs to be cognizant of the fact that he'll go down in history as the shittiest President this nation has ever had.... He needs to spend his disgraced twilight years in his ice cream basement completely and totally aware of just what a complete and utter failure his entire political career has been.

Corn Pop was a bad dude... at least he was something.


@madmaxfz @KarePatriot @Zennblack @agentcasey @illumiNadia