I'm less than 24hrs, a #Chinese_rocket will crash into the moon.

This will occur tomorrow at exactly 4:25am, Pacific Standard Time - give or take a few seconds.

You can watch this live... Actually, lolz, you can't. Unlike the metaphor of a tree that falls in the forest when no one is around, there's plenty to be learned even though nothing will actually witness the impact, because it's on the far (not dark) side of the moon.

Just to be clear, this is the Chinese second stage booster of the Chang'e 5-T1 lunar mission's rocket, and NOT the SpaceX rocket everyone was telling you that it is - SpaceX had absolutely nothing to do with this.

Soon after, several monitoring spacecraft will eventually be able to observe the aftermath abd begin gathering important data when their orbits bring them over the impact area. The most intriguing discoveries will likely be more about the water that we know exists on the moon.
