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86 posts total
Zach Weinersmith

9 year old is into mythical epics. She knows Beowulf. Got her a kids Iliad, Odyssey, and Ramayana. What else?

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@ZachWeinersmith the Táin Bo Cuailnge, or the Cattle Raid of Cooley, is the best known Irish epic, if that helps.

Musa Nony

When she's read the Ramayana, then next should be the Mahabharatha. It's also available in comic book format.
My kids are into Rick Riordan's books. And have read Gaiman's Norse Mythology.

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Hard glare. Slow clap. This may be your finest work sir.

Tom Boardman

@ZachWeinersmith *in a world where we make new year resolutions in May, rather than stepping into whatever low light drizzle dog piss passes for January that year.

Dream Hollow

I mean from a character development perspective I'm very proud of him.

You go, blond guy.

Make your dreams come true, fictional hero.

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ancilevien74 ☮ ⏚ 🔻 ⸮⸮

"And so, Weinersmith has demonstrated in his famous comic strip that Einstein, Schrödinger, and Gödel were telling only bollocks."

et konsept fra BAR

@ZachWeinersmith The kerning here made me read "and we can understand and them" and I had to read it multiple times and concentrate to get it right. Probably mostly because I'm sleep deprived, though.

Happy new year! Thank you for all the entertainment and interesting thoughts this year, as in so many previous years! You make the world more bearable with your art! :)

Infrapink (he/his/him)

@ZachWeinersmith I too believe that other people should be judged purely based on the consequences of their actions, while I should be judged primarily on my intentions.

Zach Weinersmith

Love this William Holman Hunt allegorical painting for Turing's 1936 paper in which he invents the universal computer, which runs on a single infinitely long piece of tape. I believe the two figures bowing at his feet are the muses of logic and engineering.

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Zach Weinersmith

You can tell the muse of engineering is the one lower down because she's dressed in drab colors, is wearing a watch, and faceplanted trying to have a social interaction.


@ZachWeinersmith That piece of tape makes no sens though 😅.

Zach Weinersmith

In some major personal news I'm almost done with Wednesday's emails.

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Craig Rangoon

@ZachWeinersmith Cause of ongoing systemic racial inequity, explained.


@ZachWeinersmith Weird place to ask, perhaps, but is there a searchable index or functionality for your archives? A few times recently I've been unable to find specific ones, generally relying on either google (thus spawning more AI pages, because why not) or duckduckgo, and occasionally trying oh no robot (which seems...inconsistent at best).

Like I was looking for the talking to god/"regular murder" one, for example, and couldn't refine my terms enough to get it to spit it out.

Koen Hufkens, PhD

@ZachWeinersmith Basically Alain de Botton's "Status Anxiety" summarized in a single cartoon panel.

Zach Weinersmith

What are your last three book purchases and are you ashamed?

Dr Richard Hussey

@ZachWeinersmith The Lost Metal (Brandon Sanderson), Oathbringer: Part 2 (Brandon Sanderson), and Myst: the Book of Atrus (Rand and Robyn Miller).

And no, not at all ashamed.


@ZachWeinersmith Not even a little bit. Haven't read Nomad Century yet, though, so maybe I will be at some point.

Knut Morå

@ZachWeinersmith The museum of Rain by Dave Eggers, Hild by Nicola Griffiths, and The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy, and yes, since two of them were on kindle

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Andy Lundell 🙄

@ZachWeinersmith Typo in second panel. "Matter if" instead of "Matter of".

Dan Herbert

@ZachWeinersmith I know it would spoil the joke, but the best Batman stories actually address this. Bruce Wayne tries to address the root causes of crime with Wayne Enterprises' charity donations, employment, and community outreach efforts, while Batman is more of a symbol of justice to make the people feel not completely abandoned. Plus Gotham tends to attract folks like The Joker that the normal systems in place can't really stop the "right" way.


Actually it's mostly a few billionaires that's wrong with the world, it would be fixable...

Zach Weinersmith

There should be a reverse Indiana Jones film where a South American tribe sneaks into the Vatican, steals some relics, and gets away on a boat while a bunch of men in golden robes shake their fists and shout their strange language.

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I'm imagining a plot where a bunch of out of work teens and 20yos on native land hear about on the internet artifacts from their tribe at the local university. All of them jump in their rez runner and have a road trip/indy type movie.

Plot twist: the entire department at the university is on their side and helps them in the climactic police chase through the desert with ATVs, horses, and choppers.

Xander Zzyzx

@ZachWeinersmith In that case they'll just be taking back their stolen relics.

Zach Weinersmith

Lately I noticed I react to stress either by going to social media (including less-social media like reddit) or by playing simple games like Wordle. My new strategy is to just jam on language learning. If I'm fluent in French by January, you'll know what kind of year it's been.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe


Just stumbled on an article which claims you can be 80% accurate with a simple rule of thumb.

Feminine noun endings
- The majority of words that end in -e or -ion.
- Except words ending in -age, -ege, -é, or -isme

Masculine noun endings
- Most words with other endings are masculine.

You'll have to read the article for more context. @tshirtman : comments?


Just stumbled on an article which claims you can be 80% accurate with a simple rule of thumb.

Feminine noun endings
- The majority of words that end in -e or -ion.
- Except words ending in -age, -ege, -é, or -isme

Masculine noun endings
- Most words with other endings are masculine.

Zach Weinersmith

Niche gripe, being on the cusp of publishing a book with a long treatment of space law:

International law scholars: well, for a long time there was a realist vs. liberal debate, which has more recently given way to what's called the constructivist approach in which culture--


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Uncharacteristically to my general nature, I suddenly want to prove that smug bastard wrong.


@ZachWeinersmith Dutchman Rutger Bregman wrote a book about this: "De meeste mensen deugen" (most people are kind of Ok).

Matthew Martin ☑ ✅📛

@ZachWeinersmith Sir, I'm going to need to see your citations with DOIs.

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@ZachWeinersmith I read that as “I pooped your tires!” and now I like that version even more.

Andy Lundell 🙄

@ZachWeinersmith I don't know exactly where this comic takes place. But if there's a business that will use quantum physics to identify my nemesis, I'd pay for that.

Think how motivating it would be to have a nemesis assigned by science.

mndflayr :damnified: :debian:

That woman seems to have five fingers instead of the usual four.
How odd.
Wonder if that comic is AI generated.

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