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3 posts total
Spooky Rosey Posey🌹👻

The neurodivergent urge to smuggle 100 breeding pairs of raccoons into Britain in an attempt to establish a robust wild raccoon population :neocat_surprised_pika:

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@Flyingfirepig it is like my ultimate life goal to befriend a crow


@Flyingfirepig Crows are amazing. I had my first experience receiving gifts from one this spring. It usually involved food gifts, like birdie feet or a piece of wing or french fries, nothing so nice as yours.


@Flyingfirepig i love this! The way they clearly feel thankful warms my heart. I'd gladly feed them anyways, i do, but to feel appreciated for it means a lot. A gift like this is as meaningful, if not more, than from another person and i would treasure it forever. Also probably cry tears of joy upon receiving it.

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Sciences, Flute 🌍 :verified:


Mom: "But it's swapping to hard tile, and floor is full with unordered content. You need to defragment you room. And this time /I'll/ be watching."


@Flyingfirepig network access (going to the store)

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