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Kevin Russell


A pile without a location for each item is not a cache and you are grounded.

Erwan 🚄

@kevinrns @Flyingfirepig location is stored in an optical storage with O(1) access


@R1Rail @kevinrns @Flyingfirepig Also, the location in the batch is sorted in a way: Objects that are needed more often or were used recently temd to be nearer to the top of the batch. (I called this sorting principle of my school notebooks "active batch") ;-)

Polychrome :clockworkheart:
@Flyingfirepig after hours of working on a memory bank implementation in a tiny embedded environment I am feeling this post in my head.
Gary E. Walker

@Flyingfirepig @tess not going to get into how many hoodies are involved. Fully one third of my happiness with my new employer is down to hoodies.


@gewalker @tess

Engages Mom Mode

Tosses basket on chair.

Caches need to be constrained to prevent overruns.

Gary E. Walker

@Vrimj @tess And that's why you gotta have a secure development lifecycle.

captain cooks a lot

@Flyingfirepig l2 is the closet and main memory are the boxes under the bed? How does the dry cleaners fit into the architecture? And is your s.o. or parent’s place considered swap space?

Joe C

@Flyingfirepig We both know this cache is not O(1). Now, clean your room.

Sciences, Flute 🌍 :verified:


Mom: "But it's swapping to hard tile, and floor is full with unordered content. You need to defragment you room. And this time /I'll/ be watching."


@Flyingfirepig network access (going to the store)

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