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Spooky Rosey Posey🌹👻

I really want to befriend some crows 😍 There's a bunch in the car park by the railway station I use, but they're adorable lil hooligans and I worry that if I start feeding them they'll start pestering me for food and one day I'll forget and they'll harbor a grudge 🤣

Jen :TransButterfly:​ :3hearts: :Green:

@Flyingfirepig And if that happens, their descendants will carry that grudge for the rest of your life. Crows don't fucking play. :blobcatgiggle:​


Where are do you live!? We've been feeding a group of between 5 and 7 for the past 40 years. They get lots of good stuff, like chicken, fish, meat and turkey scraps, cat food the cats won't eat, stale bread and pizza crusts, and I don't think they've left us anything. But then, we live in Central NY. The probably have better manners and are more considerate in someplace like Illinois.


@Flyingfirepig maybe they were inspired by looking at Christmas wreaths

Mr. Completely

@johnshirley2024 @Flyingfirepig holy smokes. Or decorated trees. Great thought
Edit: it's from March. But still


@mrcompletely @Flyingfirepig oh, March. But they might remember the wreaths or christmas trees they'd seen and they put two and two together and think "the ones who feed us like these"

Roundball 🥥 🌹

@mrcompletely @johnshirley2024 @Flyingfirepig Crows like shiny objects. There are reports that they collect them.

Mr. Completely

@Flyingfirepig crows are the best, we love ours and treat them with respect


@Flyingfirepig it is like my ultimate life goal to befriend a crow


@Flyingfirepig Crows are amazing. I had my first experience receiving gifts from one this spring. It usually involved food gifts, like birdie feet or a piece of wing or french fries, nothing so nice as yours.


@Flyingfirepig i love this! The way they clearly feel thankful warms my heart. I'd gladly feed them anyways, i do, but to feel appreciated for it means a lot. A gift like this is as meaningful, if not more, than from another person and i would treasure it forever. Also probably cry tears of joy upon receiving it.

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