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Marshall Stack

@NanoRaptor @jsr
Does this include Taylor Swift?
Can she make decisions about song choices, tours etc. or must this be solely up to her record company now because she has too much power.
Maybe more nuance is required than legislation by slogans provides.

@NanoRaptor @jsr

a billionaire can be held accountable, just not in the USA apparently...

@0xabad1dea «This is similar to what happens when enabling --ffast-math, which stands for Final Fantasy AST Math, meaning that the abstract syntax tree of your program will be manipulated using fantasies about Math that do not apply to IEEE-754, and your Final result can be arbitrarily different.» will never not make me laugh


“Of course I like to read nontechnical books, although I read very slowly. Here are some that I heartily recommend.”—Don Knuth


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bartosz 🚲🌳🐍

@mwichary I followed the progress of writing the book for many years but I didnt get chance to get my hands on the printed copy. Any chances to get it in an ebook format? 🙏

Magnus Ahltorp

@mwichary So now I own two of the books on that list: Shift Happens and The Abominable Man.



I love watching his appearances in Numberphile videos on YouTube.

He is a bit more recognizable in his portrait in the Wikipedia article for ‘The Art of Computer Programming’ that the photo used for his biographical entry in Wikipedia.


@fasterthanlime Heyo, what do you think of serde shipping a binary? I'm not a everyday Rust fan to keep in touch with all the nuances


TFW you fill an issue with title containing "#Jdbc specification violation". Good lord.

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