I kinda miss the feeling of #programming collaboration... I have a project, it's almost empty yet. Offered my ex-colleagues/friends to join but they seem a bit to busy. Does anybody what to program with me? Wrote my first essay in português yesterday, a small one, probably Brazilian kids do it in the second grade or or so. My teacher is very proud of me I need some help: recently my ejabberd started crashing, I realized it's because of mariadb, at some point it gets diconnected. Mariadb logs have several messages with this phrase "Got an error reading communication packets". Set up a primitive CI to update docs to my little helper library for my pet project, feel so happy and proud of myself! Look, now it updates automatically (https://macaw.me/lmdbal/doc/html/index.html)! Чего то только сейчас дошло: фраза "навалить в бочку" - людьми воспринимается совсем не так, как воспринимается мной В очередной раз заприметив под реакционером характерную коричнивую лужицу, не спешите с выводами! Очень вероятно, что он не спит и сейчас расскажет вам про полутона Went for the bread, had a lovely walk, talked to the salesman, got some meds from the drugstore, had a nice little chat with my building administrator and came home without bread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sg9EkqTx3s There was a fashion to put X everywhere somewhere from 1980-s to early 2000-s. Almost any popular brand would have an X in the title, sometimes more than one. The first generation to have a letter in the name was the 13th and the letter was, you're right - X. Okay, there are some things that I still need to write from scratch but all in all I like the way it comes out #programming |