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588 posts total

Somehow linked list problems on leetcode are the easiest ones for me. I wonder why? I never worked much with linked lists


Lê wife found my old watch! And look, they still work!


There is a separate cauldron in hell for people who draw checkered background on opaque images


My wife is seducing me to to play WoW again... I like having this kind of problems on my plate

Alexey Skobkin

@blue I'd rather you played Baldur's Gate 3 with your wife.
It's very good and it has an end 😄


пссс, Федивёрс :ablobcatbouncefast:
я тут написала трекер количества и остатка лекарств :ablobcatbongo: :anya_happy:
первая приличная и не-совсем-минорная моя штука
буду рада, если она кому-то будет тоже полезна :catraHappy:

:xenia_blush: :xenia_blush:


Это было вголосину

Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

@metallcorn непохоже. кубернетес это скорее затычка, которую принято совать везде, куда надо и не надо.

Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@metallcorn в голосину, но можна под спойлер пж


ejabberd 24.06 has been released. Ixmpps been a huge effort, with more than 200 commits and a good rework of the Webadmin interface and the documentation.

Attached is a glimpse at the new Web Admin interface, before on the left, new UI on the right.

Thanks to all users feedback, contributors and dev team involvement. This is really a great release !

Enjoy !



Third time is a charm!

Watch us tirelessly explaining to Roskomnadzor how e-mail works! The three innovations in our third reply are that we

a) request the international law their request is grounded on (as if they would care)

b) communicate that their assumptions, even according to russian laws, are wrong (as if they would care)

c) state explicitly that Delta Chat is unlike WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram (doh!)


A letter from merlinux to Roskomandzor:
Regarding registration of Delta Chat provided services in Russia
with the following key content: 

1) You fail to reference relevant International Law that would give you the authority to request
any interaction from us as an organization residing within the legal framework of the European
Union. If you don’t reference any international law or treaty, you are required to direct your
queries to the german foreign ministry instead, which in turn would get in contact with us.
2) Even if your request was grounded in international law, merlinux is not an „ICO“ or
„Information Communication Organizer“ as defined in Section 10.1 of 149-FZ. In particular, we
maintain that this base assumption stated in your letter is not correct:
„According to the results of the analysis the information resource
<> , the owner of which is a foreign organization merlinux GmbH, was found
to have the capability to receive, transmit, deliver and (or) process electronic messages of
Internet users.“
Unlike Telegram or Whatsapp, the information resource „“ does not have the ability
to receive, transmit, deliver or process electronic messages. All users of our e-mail client apps
choose electronic message processors („e-mail servers“) sovereignly themselves, without our
knowledge and without sending their messages through a central server like it happens with
Telegram or Whatsapp.
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@delta Funny enough this also happened the other way round to the russian developers of the XABBER Android Jabber/XMPP client receiving a letter from the German @BNetzA due to a similar failure to understand how that app worked:

photo of letter from Bundesnetzagentur
photo of letter from Bundesnetzagentur

What can I say, I really like the model


After work, I went to get some medical exams done, but the clinic I visited didn't offer those exams after 12 PM. I had to go further to another clinic, only to discover they didn't offer them either. Disappointed, I left the building and headed to a bakery to find something to eat. There was a local festival called the June Fest, so the bakery was serving hot wine. That hot wine worked miracles on my sore throat!

Now, here I am, walking in zigzags to another clinic. From a local perspective, I probably am a pig cuz I'm tipsy at 2:30 PM. However, from my perspective, it's evening since I got up at 3 AM and finished work at 1 PM.

After work, I went to get some medical exams done, but the clinic I visited didn't offer those exams after 12 PM. I had to go further to another clinic, only to discover they didn't offer them either. Disappointed, I left the building and headed to a bakery to find something to eat. There was a local festival called the June Fest, so the bakery was serving hot wine. That hot wine worked miracles on my sore throat!


Also, I could never understand this concept of doing or not doing something at a specific time. Those scenes from Sherlock Holmes always pissed me off:
- Watson! I think he is the murderer!
- What?! How did you figure it out?
- The casserole he was cooking had beef...
- And?!
- And today is Thursday! He must have bought it yesterday! What kind of maniac goes to the butcher on Wednesdays?!
- Watson: - A-ha!
- Everybody: - A-ha!
- Me: Wat? Was I not supposed to go to the butcher on Wednesday this whole time? Is there a school where they teach which perfume to wear on Fridays and when to go to the butcher?!

Also, I could never understand this concept of doing or not doing something at a specific time. Those scenes from Sherlock Holmes always pissed me off:
- Watson! I think he is the murderer!
- What?! How did you figure it out?
- The casserole he was cooking had beef...
- And?!

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