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4 posts total
Max Leibman

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
Iā€™m telling you why:

Toxic masculinity forbids displays of emotion


@maxleibman We watched the ENTIRE "Lord of the Rings" trilogy yesterday (director's cuts), and I was fascinated by just how much emotion the male characters showed. They cried! They embraced each other! They talked about their fears and feelings! It was refreshing!

B Thuronyi


Can't decide if the last line is better to the tune or as spoken word

Max Leibman

There are two kinds of people on Mastodon: those who check their drafts to make sure they are complete before posting,

Max Leibman

Did you know that cacti can be a source of water in an emergency?

If you encounter someone who won't share their water, repeatedly hit them with a cactus until they give it to you.

Follow me for more desert survival tips.

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šŸ„„ Tucker Carlson's Nuts šŸ„„

šŸ„„ It's toots like this one about #cacti that make me follow people, Max. I can't help it.
The power of mirth compels me. šŸ„„

Tim McTuffty

@maxleibman @JStatePost šŸ˜‚

Follow @maxleibman for the very latest in survival tips n tricks šŸ˜†

#Humour #Jokes

Max Leibman

If you access corporate email on a personal device that can be unlocked with FaceID, you must change your face at least once every sixty days.

You may not reuse any of your most recent 12 faces.

#infosec #PasswordExpiration #BYOD

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@maxleibman at the bar šŸ» Honey, I gotta get into my monthly bar fight! šŸ˜©....I need a new face. It's for work!

Excuse me big fellow, are you too fat for that burger?

šŸ¤•...yes, I refreshed my face on my desktop! I just don't have access to my previous face to get into my laptop!

Retro Goth Bunny

@maxleibman If humanity manages to last long enough for the cyberpunk dystopia to happen, this may unironically be a thing :P

Empathic Qubit

@maxleibman I took my fingerprint off my phone when I traveled because I got paranoid and never added it back

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