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Max Leibman

Did you know that cacti can be a source of water in an emergency?

If you encounter someone who won't share their water, repeatedly hit them with a cactus until they give it to you.

Follow me for more desert survival tips.


Same goes for an oasis. If you encounter someone who won’t share their water, blast Wonderwall at them until they give it to you.

David J. Atkinson #🟦

@maxleibman Followed. These are the tips we need to successfully adapt to #climatechange


@maxleibman Problem is that climate change is causing cacti to collapse. Can't really hit anyone with a pile of moosh.


@maxleibman I heard about this one kid named like suka or something, he drank some cactus water (juice?) then was like tripping balls for a few hours…

Max Leibman

I *really* did not expect this week’s viral hit to be the cactus joke, but here we are.

Thanks, everyone! Glad you liked it.

Luc :broken_camera:

@maxleibman 🤣😂🤣 That’s one fine toot which made me think of your new #WIP @AkkalonAS! 😁

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

🥥 It's toots like this one about #cacti that make me follow people, Max. I can't help it.
The power of mirth compels me. 🥥

Tim McTuffty

@maxleibman @JStatePost 😂

Follow @maxleibman for the very latest in survival tips n tricks 😆

#Humour #Jokes

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