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Max Leibman

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why:

Toxic masculinity forbids displays of emotion


@maxleibman We watched the ENTIRE "Lord of the Rings" trilogy yesterday (director's cuts), and I was fascinated by just how much emotion the male characters showed. They cried! They embraced each other! They talked about their fears and feelings! It was refreshing!

Max Leibman

@APBBlue Right on!

Your comment reminds me of another franchise—I remember everyone shipping Poe and Finn after ‘The Force Awakens’; I would have been totally down with that, but my feeling was also that that was NOT what was on the screen. Two dudes who owed each other their lives and who each thought the other dead are allowed to be that excited and happy to see each other again.


@maxleibman Just because (most) American men are emotionally dysfunctional doesn't mean all men need to be.

B Thuronyi


Can't decide if the last line is better to the tune or as spoken word

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