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Erik Moeller

A common refrain is that the web is _turning into_ garbage because of LLMs.

But that's not really true. It's just that the garbage is _drowning out_ everything else, especially in search engines that themselves have decided to go into the garbage generation business.

What can we do? We can promote the #IndieWeb right here. Highlight the good, perhaps obscure websites and blogs you come across, especially the ones that aren't loaded with ads & trackers.

The web is still full of awesomeness.

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@eloquence also this kind of statement makes it look like there was not bots, trolls and content farms, spam, SEO squatting and other form of flooding the internet with content-shaped manure. bad actors did not wait for LLMs to flood the web with shit.

Petra van Cronenburg

@eloquence That's nice, but it doesn't help against the major developments. I do research in my job, for example, and it now takes me three times as long to find reputable sources. A few scattered private tips don't help much. This is where politics comes in, we need independent searches.

wet noodle

@eloquence Hey I have a fun lil website I work on with my music and art and links to many other fun indie sites!

#IndieWeb #webmadethis

Erik Moeller

This is a big deal:

The W3C, founded in 1994 by web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, has quit X and declared the fediverse to be their primary social media channel. Follow them at: @w3c

The future of the open web is .. the open web.

Erik Moeller

@sovtechfund (funded by the German government) just announced a €1M grant towards the @gnome project, an open source desktop environment.

Imagine a world in which governments don't spend billions of dollars in licensing fees every year to make Microsoft richer, and that money instead goes towards _public code_ that belongs to all of us.

That may seem utterly implausible - but every example like this brings us one step closer to it being inevitable.

@sovtechfund (funded by the German government) just announced a €1M grant towards the @gnome project, an open source desktop environment.

Imagine a world in which governments don't spend billions of dollars in licensing fees every year to make Microsoft richer, and that money instead goes towards _public code_ that belongs to all of us.

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@eloquence they sould also give money to sailfish jolla and adopt an european OS.

Gamey :thisisfine:

@eloquence @sovtechfund @gnome Funfact, they have so called "Apple classes" in German schools. I love this move but idk if the German Government will be the one to switch to FOSS stuff, that's just one of their institutions!


@eloquence @sovtechfund @gnome I understand that people here like open source getting funded (me too), but we should remember that the government takes money from people who might not care about foss at all; they would maybe rather buy a new fridge or go to a vacation to Costa Rica.

If you like what open source devs and organisations do, please, give them your money and support. ❤️
Don't force people who may want to spend the money differently.

Erik Moeller

There have been so many "final straws" but I hope that if you still have a personal account on his terrible website, Musk promoting a German political extremist party with literal nazi ties is it. Especially looking at #journalists that for some reason seem to feel like they have to continue to maintain a personal presence there. (I understand that organizations will be the last to go, but individuals - if you have any control at all, delete your :birdsite: account.)

There have been so many "final straws" but I hope that if you still have a personal account on his terrible website, Musk promoting a German political extremist party with literal nazi ties is it. Especially looking at #journalists that for some reason seem to feel like they have to continue to maintain a personal presence there. (I understand that organizations will be the last to go, but individuals - if you have any control at all, delete your :birdsite: account.)

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@eloquence my approach was - delete the app, then remove the link from the browser favorites and after a couple of days you might see that you’re not missing anything. Then delete the account. I’m not going to further support this crazy conspiracy-extremist person.

Xerz! :blobcathearttrans:
@eloquence "European suicide"

so I guess the ADL debacle wasn't just aspirationally Jewish Elon Musk profiting from fascist racism after all huh

@eloquence Deleting one's account creates the danger of that handle being relaunched by an impersonator. Mere inactivity sends the same signal to advertisers & management.

Erik Moeller

This is a really nice touch recently added to Mastodon: when you search for profiles, it now shows you if they've completed link verification for a domain.

All the more reason for folks who want to verify their identity on Mastodon to do so. See for docs.

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Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@eloquence IIRC this is part of the effort to make website verification more dominant in the interface, it's a really good addition


@eloquence And why would i be interested in the number of followers?


@eloquence @Gargron

I would love to verify my domain but it doesn't work with google sites 😭

Erik Moeller

Take it as a lesson from Wikipedia and other community-based projects: effort you put into making the fediverse better goes towards a community that will carry it forward for years to come.

Effort to "create a presence" on the latest Twitter alternative boosted by venture capital (or by competitors smelling blood in the water) is free labor for rich people.

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@eloquence If the hardcore self-promoters and "personal brand" / monetize-all-the-things people all end up somewhere else… I'm not sure I'm going to be exactly bothered by that.

I don't have a problem with businesses (even "brands") in my timeline, and I used to follow a bunch on #Twitter. But the grinding-for-followers stuff (or Google's equivalent on YouTube, grinding for subscribers) is super tedious. IMO it encourages the creation of really marginal "content", not conversation.

Sparky 💡

@eloquence Also, Threads is run by bloody Meta, which is just Old Man Facebook wearing a cheap rubber mask.

Do not sign up.
Do not federate.
Do not give them your data.

Tiffany Li

@eloquence generally agree, but unfortunately that free labor on VC-funded apps is sometimes necessary for other things, like job recognition

Erik Moeller

With the Twitter reinstatement of the former US President who attempted to incite a fascist coup after losing an election, now would _really_ be a good time to stop cross-posting your Twitter RTs here.

If you feel that cross-posting is the only way to maintain a presence here, please consider limiting it to original posts without mentions or RTs, to avoid cluttering timelines with Twitter URLs. Thank you kindly for your consideration.

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@eloquence I set up a filter to block 'RT @" which takes care of it.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


Hear, hear. Enough already. :D

Maybe it's time to put a filter on ""

That always stuck out like a sore thumb, like facebook's heinous trying-way-too-hard custom laughter emoji.

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