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42 posts total
Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Can you believe it guys?

:neocat_floof_explode:, just a week away. :neocat_floof_explode: is in a week!

Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. :neocat_floof_explode:! Just a week away, oh wow.

Can you believe it? :neocat_floof_explode:! Just in a week! It got here so fast! :neocat_floof_explode:! Just a week away!

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

normalise having your own static small website tbh

we need to normalise just Making Websites as a 'low-tech' skill that anyone can get into

not all of these fucking site generators that just lock you into a specific way of making them

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Edan Osborne :flag_nonbinary:

@ShadowJonathan I'm proud of my latest site ( Entirely hand-written HTML with no scripting and a design that will look correct in anything capable of viewing webpages.


@ShadowJonathan There's a whole movement toward that in the Small Web projects. This is one of my favorite resources for exactly that.

Platforms like and the Tildeverse are top notch communities for building and hosting personal sites.

Aral Balkan is hard at work creating server tools for making personal web site hosting possible and really pushing the Small Web into ubiquity.

Why the Small Web? Because web surfing is way healthier than doomscrolling.

@ShadowJonathan There's a whole movement toward that in the Small Web projects. This is one of my favorite resources for exactly that.

Platforms like and the Tildeverse are top notch communities for building and hosting personal sites.

approxamatrix :spinny_cat_trans:

@ShadowJonathan wait by site generators, are you talking about SSG's ? I haven't used one yet so I'm a bit confused.

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Oh my god what

The Wii Cursor pack has a mac variant now :neocat_eyes:

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@ShadowJonathan @da_667 What if I told you…that it‘s irrelevant what you name a Firewall? Combine any of those as many as you want. All it needs to shatter your illusion of security is one vulnerable, exposed endpoint. 😜


@ShadowJonathan the firewall for my industrial network is the whole thing bursting into flames if you scan it

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:


Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

:boosts_ok_gay: PSA: has been seized by the Afghanistan NIC

the domain does not resolve anymore, this means that the website cannot be accessed anymore

(i'm going to contact the admin to help them with allowing users to login still and press "migrate" on their accounts, since i have a feeling thats still possible, as a last-gasp effort of the server)

edit: for manual resolving and pinning, the IP address is

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Deborah Pickett

LB 👆 Unfortunately if you're a Mastodon instance offering to help members of to migrate to your server, editing /etc/hosts to manually add the IP address won't help, because Mastodon uses its own DNS resolver that bypasses /etc/hosts.

Edit: open issue here:


@ShadowJonathan: While I sympathise with the people who are caught in the middle of this, this is a good argument against the practice of TLD hacks.

Jim Campbell


Is it ok to cross-post this on Bluesky or have you already done that?

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

oh btw

something that fedi admins might want to know; TOR-hosted instances (.onion) can simply use exit nodes to fetch posts from real instances

it might be worth it to look into blocking the whole TLD .onion, since by default mastodon will just allow fetching from there

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

i was looking through my logs and i saw requests from .onion domains, which confused me a lot

:newl: Chloe :newr: :aslimebounce: :verified_kirby:

@ShadowJonathan I dont see an issue with tor instances, I think that tor is a good protocol

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@ShadowJonathan the fact that it's the Wii Shop Channel user agent instead of simply the Opera browser makes it very suspicious. i wouldn't trust it…

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Okay, just to be clear;

Tencent/Alibaba/the CCP/whatever has *specific* software targeted at scraping mastodon servers, by hitting the unauthenticated "list posts from user" API endpoint, with *specific* account IDs, that they must've determined to be interesting from some moment or another.

The only way to get those account IDs is to ask the server to resolve them, thats already a step further than a normal scraping bot.

What's more, the IPs and user agents (basically, text which tells what browser you have) all ONLY hit this specific endpoint, meaning this is a targeted, predetermined, scraping operation.

By looking up the account IDs from the last dozen or so attempts that i see here in my logs, almost each of them are some colorful flavour of trans, gay, or enby.

They are specifically targeting us queer folks with this scraping.

Okay, just to be clear;

Tencent/Alibaba/the CCP/whatever has *specific* software targeted at scraping mastodon servers, by hitting the unauthenticated "list posts from user" API endpoint, with *specific* account IDs, that they must've determined to be interesting from some moment or another.

The only way to get those account IDs is to ask the server to resolve them, thats already a step further than a normal scraping bot.

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Leah96xxx :over18: :verifiedtransfem: :verifieddemigirl:

@ShadowJonathan Well if they look at my profile, they're gonna get an eyeful lol. Same if they scrape some of the other gorgeous people on here

jeff it's not the CCP, it's some military contractor in austin texas who wants to manufacture more consent or war with iran so they need some training data for their bots. fedi doesn't block anything because it can't. this is a feature we are yelling these posts to all the internet.
please understand fedi is where all the gay is so when the war machine needs to make more fear mongering they use fedi as a firehose for the paranoia and hatred of all the kinds.

solution: put on the kitty cat ears and install misskey nya it's not the CCP, it's some military contractor in austin texas who wants to manufacture more consent or war with iran so they need some training data for their bots. fedi doesn't block anything because it can't. this is a feature we are yelling these posts to all the internet.
please understand fedi is where all the gay is so when the war machine needs to make more fear mongering they use fedi as a firehose for the paranoia and hatred of all the kinds.

solution: put on the...

@ShadowJonathan my personal server is immune because unauthenticated users can't do anything with the API thanks pleroma and lain
Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Alan Wake 2 is an amazing game

please go play it, also play the original if you have the time, and Control, they're all incredibly good games

Alan Wake 2 has taken more time than i remember, it has had spinoff small games, some teasers, gameplay videos of experiments, everything, scrapped and redone, and they have fucking delivered

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.", this is the fucking example of that

Kris :v_bi: :v_amam:

@ShadowJonathan will do, but am poor

also i need a refresher on what happened in the 1st one, i barely remember


@ShadowJonathan Everything you write makes me want to play this game (except for Epic and the hardware requirements).

I should resume playing the first one (probably a new playthrough as I have forgotten when I played it) and reinstall Control after I free some disk space on the Steam Deck (likely by completing big games).

Some other games might be both delayed and rushed.

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Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@ShadowJonathan The serious question has always been that if someone was to ride a broomstick, on which part of their body does their weight distribute on?

Put a broomstick propped up between two chairs or something and try it for yourself for very questionable implications.


@ShadowJonathan Was this before or after Hocus Pocus II?

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

why is emotional stoicism normalised under masculinity

why is emotional vulnerability punished and condemned

what the fuck is wrong with people

Jae 🦋 i think one of the most strong and brave things a person can do is reveal their emotions to another, something the typical "strong-man" never does in media.

i find it very, very ironic that what takes such effort, makes you a "pussy" to many macho-fucks. makes me very, very sad.

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Why do they call it a "quantum" computer and not a Superposition Computer

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🇵🇸 damaged gods 🇺🇦


ew, I that bullshit wrapped in plastic that goes bad in like a week, literally toxic to both human health and the environment.

Guac goes bad like immediately, and you put it on a sandwhich? what's wrong with you

gay ornithopod

@ShadowJonathan i would be guacamole. not sure how to feel about that

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