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956 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

Coded for almost six hours. Did the following:
* (Almost) wrote the #IndieAuth barrier, soon I will be able to protect sensitive #API handlers with it;
* Build a handler for viewing available syndications, #MicroPub client will need it in the future;
* Setup handler for creating new entries using the MicroPub protocol;

Soon I will be able to teach the engine to operate pages without having to manually create files on the server. :ablobowo:

Coded for almost six hours. Did the following:
* (Almost) wrote the #IndieAuth barrier, soon I will be able to protect sensitive #API handlers with it;
* Build a handler for viewing available syndications, #MicroPub client will need it in the future;
* Setup handler for creating new entries using the MicroPub protocol;

Maxim Lebedev

I'm stuck in an idiotic state of resolution to the situation. I can't take a shit. Literally, because the pipe in the bathroom has leaked. Two home services professionals have just come by, looked at the pipe, said it needs to be fixed and disappeared, supposedly to interview the neighbors. After an hour of silence waiting for them to return I find out that they just went home without asking anyone. Lucky I had time to go to the vet for my cat's routine checkup rather than wait for someone else.

Maxim Lebedev

A coffee shop opened up next door to me that I wanted to go to today. But the whole thing with the plumbing and the useless specialists took up all the time of the day. Plus, my money transfer to the local currency has been delayed longer than usual for some reason. I'm not sure what's left now would be enough for anything more serious than coffee. And I've barely eaten anything because of the stress and the waiting.

Maxim Lebedev

Сука, вербуют на фронт из всех щелей

Maxim Lebedev

Anyway, coming out. Been aware of vtubers for a long time, Kizuna Ai, Gawr Gura, all sorts of commercial company and so on. But seriously never watched, never followed any of them. Even the memes and highlights I watched selectively....

...Until some days before when I heard Matara Kan. I'm sorry, mom, that trap with the virtual moving 2D-sprites has snapped. Just because I was hooked by the timbre of her voice.

Now you're doomed to a regular dose of cockroach-mommy content. I warned you.

Maxim Lebedev

At night I was listening to optimistic channel specials in the background while I was coding WebMentions support in the site engine. I went to sleep almost in the morning, slept for three or four hours and didn't get any sleep. Took the risk of feeding wet food to the cat under the bed and gave her water while she was still coming off her spay. Made coffee, ate breakfast while listening to some more vids in the background. The day is coming to an end and I don't even know how to evaluate it.

Maxim Lebedev

Updated the #LineageOS firmware on my smartphone without any problems.

Maxim Lebedev

На ваших глазах до смерти запытали великого человека. Как вы себя чувствуете?

Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

@toby3d я чувствую злость.

«я не люблю насильно и безсилье. вот только жаль распятого Христа»

Maxim Lebedev

@grishka Как в приложении Mastodon забанить вообще всё на конкретном домене, будучи простым смертным? Со вчерашнего дня идёт спам-атака генерируемых учёток с двух-трёх инстансов, я устал жаловаться на каждый пост девятью тапами.

Григорий Клюшников

Зайди в любой профиль с этого сервера и там в ... можно заблокировать весь сервер

Maxim Lebedev

Yesterday I gave the cat for sterilization, almost cried and worried that everything went well. Today I took her back - she is healthy and survived the operation normally. But I still feel sorry to see her in such a state, when she can hardly move around and whines. I know it's only temporary, but I'm still worried.

Maxim Lebedev

Может мне по средам выползать лайвкодить чего-нибудь? Скажем, в 16 часов по Москве, чтобы хотя бы так обратно вкатываться в стримы. Вам если и не для мастер-класса, то хоть ради болтовни в чате и какого-никакого радио на фоне.

Maxim Lebedev

Ну, как "чего-нибудь", у меня тут мой движок незавершённый в котором надо прикрутить таксономию и АктивитиПаб, например.

Ale sa Pilipinas!

@toby3d Норм идея на самом деле, я тоже хочу начать (мб правда просто видосики выкладывать, без прям стримов поначалу).

Maxim Lebedev

Что ж, попробуем что-нибудь сделать сегодня:

Maxim Lebedev

I've had the link in my bookmarks for at least a couple years, but I only got around to watching it now:

I watched the whole hour in one breath, it was informative, sincere and quite important to go through all the explanations in a natural way. I don't have a broad enough vocabularies to explain what processes I'm experiencing right now, but it's definitely shifted some paradigm that I should be thinking about. I hope so, this will be helpful to someone else.

Maxim Lebedev


+ Spectacular immersion into the game with a single press of the Start button
+ Lovingly detailed EVERYTHING
+ An intriguing story with likable characters and a touch of mysticism
+ Optional but essential variation

- The pixel graphics look a bit overdone
- Uneven balance between reading dialog's and at least some interactivity

Definitely looking forward to the release and signed up for the newsletter so I don't miss out.


+ Spectacular immersion into the game with a single press of the Start button
+ Lovingly detailed EVERYTHING
+ An intriguing story with likable characters and a touch of mysticism
+ Optional but essential variation

- The pixel graphics look a bit overdone
- Uneven balance between reading dialog's and at least some interactivity

Maxim Lebedev

Надеждину и россиянам решили не дать даже поиграть в демократию

Maxim Lebedev


+ Decently voiced and written dialogs
+ Beautiful environment with the atmosphere of russian culture and religion
+ The idea of friendship(?) of a nun with the devil

- Looks more like a walking simulator than an adventure
- Elementary puzzles
- Unclear how appropriate the soundtrack is at all
- As well as the eight-bit interface and arcade-style scoring system

For now, I'm leaning towards watching the game movie for free than purchasing and playing it myself.


+ Decently voiced and written dialogs
+ Beautiful environment with the atmosphere of russian culture and religion
+ The idea of friendship(?) of a nun with the devil

- Looks more like a walking simulator than an adventure
- Elementary puzzles
- Unclear how appropriate the soundtrack is at all
- As well as the eight-bit interface and arcade-style scoring system

Maxim Lebedev

Before I go anywhere beyond the store for a long time, I clean the litter box, add more food and refresh the water bowl. In case of my death or disappearance, the cat has at least two or three days of food before my friends can break into the house and rescue her an take my belongings.

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