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Maxim Lebedev

I'm stuck in an idiotic state of resolution to the situation. I can't take a shit. Literally, because the pipe in the bathroom has leaked. Two home services professionals have just come by, looked at the pipe, said it needs to be fixed and disappeared, supposedly to interview the neighbors. After an hour of silence waiting for them to return I find out that they just went home without asking anyone. Lucky I had time to go to the vet for my cat's routine checkup rather than wait for someone else.

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Maxim Lebedev

A coffee shop opened up next door to me that I wanted to go to today. But the whole thing with the plumbing and the useless specialists took up all the time of the day. Plus, my money transfer to the local currency has been delayed longer than usual for some reason. I'm not sure what's left now would be enough for anything more serious than coffee. And I've barely eaten anything because of the stress and the waiting.

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