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884 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

#CoffeeTalk on #SteamDeck is consumed perfectly. On a #PC or #laptop, I would have abandoned it after fifteen minutes because of the minimalistic controls. But in bed, on a crossbar, with a couple buttons, it's perfect. I happily complete half the game overnight. I'll roll a review on my site as soon as I get through the whole thing.

#game #games #Steam #deck

Maxim Lebedev

My favorite p̶o̶k̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ pal


Maxim Lebedev

Выбирай с умом...

Anonymous poll


Девочка хикочка (она любит тебя)
Пожизненый запас чесночных багетов
22 people voted.
Voting ended 2 February at 0:38.

@toby3d Пожизненный запас чесночных багетов дольше года не протянет)


Maxim Lebedev

Оставил подпись за Надеждина. Вам тоже советую.

Maxim Lebedev

I didn't know about such a thing as an #aeropress:

I watched the #video, and I was baffled. Then I looked at the kit, how much it cost, and was baffled once again at how cheap and unbreakable this megadevice is. You can literally carry it everywhere with you and make #coffee wherever you want.

Now I'm sitting here wondering if I really need it...

Maxim Lebedev

I tweaked the instruments a bit and have been listening to the #music piece on repeat for about an hour.

On the one hand, is great: it means that this segment is very catchy for me personally. But on the other hand, just because of the resulting piece, it's hard for me to switch to working on everything else around it.

Did you have that problem? If so, how do you solve it?


Maxim Lebedev

Like... Gosh, there's so much work to do...

#REAPER #music #OneAloner

Maxim Lebedev

I can't sleep because I'VE GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT

Maxim Lebedev

I was lucky enough to get to work at the coffee shop today. And the whole menu is half-price because opening day.

#music #OneAloner #Basecamp

Maxim Lebedev

No, fuck your #Discord, I already have a hundred servers out of a hundred available.

Maxim Lebedev

With a slight movement of my lower jaw, I cracked another tooth.

Maxim Lebedev

#TheLongDark is as incredibly beautiful as always. For years I've been returning to its atmosphere of unrelenting eternal cold as if it were my home.

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