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3 posts total
Mark Jardine :misc_mtb:

Print came out decently. Definitely a ton of supports were created under him which made it a bit of a pain to remove. But the tail and tusks made it without breaking. I’m probably going to try printing him upside down to see if it works out better.


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@mark holy 😬 that first pic looked like a horror version where the elephant is grabbed by many arms into the earth!

Filip Radelic

@mark try increasing overhang threshold first under print settings/ support material. Try increments of 5 and see how it slices. Could also play with manual support blockers, eyes definitely don’t look like they need them.

Mark Jardine :misc_mtb:

I’ve made about 70 new icons in the past 3 days. This will be a nice change of pace…or I’ll rage quit in frustration because my modeling skills are not up to the task. Only time will tell.

Mark Jardine :misc_mtb:

Some more 3d progress. Still unsure if I like it or not. One of those things where I have to see it through to the end and either feel mediocre about it or hate it. 😅 I’m already bad at modeling in 3d, but modeling something organic just adds a whole other level of difficulty for me. There’s only one way to get better.

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