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7 posts total

Forgejo is looking for input from #Forgejo administrators.

We are considering dropping support for using Microsoft SQL Server as a database that can be used with Forgejo. We would love to hear your input, especially those using it (if there are any 👀), on this matter. See our rationale and current discussion at, we're looking forward to your input on this matter.


Forgejo forks its own path forward 🚀

Forgejo started as a soft fork of Gitea. Over time, it developed its own identity, adopted both development and governance practices - to ensure the stability, quality, and openness of the project - that made it more challenging to remain a soft fork. In early 2024, a decision was made to become a hard fork, and for Forgejo to forge its own path going forward. This post explains the consequences this decision will have.

Forgejo forks its own path forward 🚀

Forgejo started as a soft fork of Gitea. Over time, it developed its own identity, adopted both development and governance practices - to ensure the stability, quality, and openness of the project - that made it more challenging to remain a soft fork. In early 2024, a decision was made to become a hard fork, and for Forgejo to forge its own path going forward. This post explains the consequences this decision will have.

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Andreas Bulling

@forgejo I switched immediately after learning that gitea is not a 100% non-profit. And now I hope that I will never have to switch back. All the best!


@forgejo I like some of the features and roadmap of Forgejo, and I really would've liked to have introduced #Forgejo instead of #Gitea at work. However, there we are limited to a Windows environment and I don't have the time and experience to build it from scratch, so we're stuck with Gitea. 😔 (My main work is in hydrogeology and GIS, not application development.) But I'll keep an eye on Forgejo and maybe one day get lucky. 😉


#Forgejo v1.21 was just released! Get it at 🚀

Forgejo v1.21 is available and comes with significant improvements to Forgejo Actions and the Forgejo runner. It also brings better user blocking, many documentation improvements, a shortcut button to open new PRs, mail notifications when new users are created and more. ✨



The #Forgejo monthly update was published ✨ It is a high level overview of the project activities.

Learn about how Forgejo v1.19 came to be, the recent developments of Forgejo Actions and more.


I hereby demand a correction.

I *did not* executed my Right to be Forgotten. The article is misleading.

See for my point of view



#Forgejo v1.18.2-0 was just released! This is a minor patch. Check out the release notes and download it at If you experience any issues with this release, please report to


@forgejo is there a way to auto-update forgejo for minor patches ? Or do I have to update the binary each time 😭

BrainB0ne :vlag_eindhoven:

@forgejo Thank you, updated the #Forgejo Docker image and running v1.18.2-0 now.👍


Tip for #Forgejo admins: get notifications of the latest Forgejo release with this new nagios/icinga plugin.

~ @dachary


Our first stable release, #Forgejo :forgejo: v1.18, has been published! 🎉 Upgrade now!

If you've been waiting to upgrade from #Gitea, now is your moment!


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Romain de Laage

@forgejo Congrats! I just migrated from Gitea without problem :)


@forgejo Nice. Will switch over as soon as I can find the time.

osfanbuff63 :blobfoxfloofcofe:​

@forgejo :tada: - it's time for more free software on Codeberg :blobfoxheart:​

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