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Our first stable release, #Forgejo :forgejo: v1.18, has been published! 🎉 Upgrade now!

If you've been waiting to upgrade from #Gitea, now is your moment!


Marko Korhonen It would be really great if you could publish the latest stable docker image with the latest tag. Would make upgrading a bit more simple

Gerard Braad


*Upgrading from Gitea*

This stable release offers an upgrade and a transition path from Gitea to Forgejo. If you’re on v1.17.x or older please read the release notes carefully, and in particular check out the breaking changes section of Gitea’s blog post.

The actual upgrade process is as simple as replacing the Gitea binary or container image with the corresponding Forgejo binary or container image.

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@gbraad Upgraded from Gitea to Forgejo a few days ago.
Can confirm it was practically as easy as stop service -> download new binary -> start service -> pretend I am a wizard for migrating on first try.



@forgejo hooray! Is/will there be a Debian package available like Gitea had? I'd like to upgrade but I'll probably wait until I can do it through the package manager (and keep it updated)

Loïc Dachary

@Nekojimi @forgejo from where do you get your Gitea Debian package?


@forgejo Tried to upgrade from Gitea(docker) and works fine! Thank you very much!
However the data/gitea directory is not renamed yet, maybe is necessary to make some changes in the Dockerfile file?

Loïc Dachary

@wproject @forgejo the renaming of the directories will happen later. It needs to be done carefully be 100% compatible.

Daniel Opitz

@forgejo congratulations! moved from gitea already, worked really well with the docker container. Also: nice color scheme, like it more than the green one :)

Romain de Laage

@forgejo Congrats! I just migrated from Gitea without problem :)


@forgejo Nice. Will switch over as soon as I can find the time.

osfanbuff63 :blobfoxfloofcofe:​

@forgejo :tada: - it's time for more free software on Codeberg :blobfoxheart:​

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