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879 posts total
Meko #nowar
Украинцев никогда не существовало, украинцев не могло существовать... :blobcatgoogly:
Meko #nowar
Хватит сраться. Забейте!
Вы как ChatGPT которая не может промолчать, если ей что-то написать.
Meko #nowar
:blobfoxdrakedislike: федидрама

:blobfoxdrakelike: федиклоунада
Meko #nowar
Hot take: most films or serials would end much faster if main heroes:
1. Visited psychologists regularly by themselves.
2. Gave more attention to mental problems of their loved ones.
Dr. Quadragon ❌


3. Had ability to actually talk the problem out with other people before fucking things up.

Meko #nowar
Misstake – when you moved to an incompatible Misskey fork that was abandoned after a few weeks.
Meko #nowar
Дуров вернул стену?
Meko #nowar

:blobcatheadphones: В сказке можно покататься на луне И по радуге промчаться на коне, Со слонёнком подружиться И поймать перо Жар-птицы.

Глазки закрывай, Баю-бай.


P.S. Lyrics are at least partially real (Soviet song for kids).

Meko #nowar
As far as I see, people torturing Moscow terrorists on videos are affiliated with Russian neonazi. Probably they're them by themselves.

One of them literally made photo with bloody knife and "black sun" patch for one of Russian far-right telegram channel affiliated with Russian neonazi group (DShRG) "Rusich".

Later another photo of tortures by electricity was published by another Russian nationalist, known by i.e. posting video of Ukrainian soilder decapitation.
This photo was definitely sent by somebody from a police (or who is responsible for prisoners).
(UPD. Looks like it wasn't sent to him by police, he just reposted it from another source unknown for me possibly also far-right.)

So, we can see how Russian far right and neonazi torture people and popularize photo/videos of tortures while Russian government is doing nothing.

And all of that is happening in context of Russia "fighting with Nazis" in Ukraine.

P.S. What do you think this people will do to Ukrainian war prisoners?

P.P.S. Sorry, no source links this time. Those links would be too nsfw.
As far as I see, people torturing Moscow terrorists on videos are affiliated with Russian neonazi. Probably they're them by themselves.

One of them literally made photo with bloody knife and "black sun" patch for one of Russian far-right telegram channel affiliated with Russian neonazi group (DShRG) "Rusich".
Meko #nowar
Вижу сейчас эскалкцию. Хочу напомнить о важном.

При звуке взрывов стоит использовать правило двух стен. Первая блокирует взрывную волну, а вторая – осколки.

Правило элементарное, но в неожиданной ситуации многие забудут.

От прямого попадания в дом не поможет, но если прилетят осколки, либо небольшой дрон – спасёт жизнь. А это происходит как раз более часто.
Вижу сейчас эскалкцию. Хочу напомнить о важном.

При звуке взрывов стоит использовать правило двух стен. Первая блокирует взрывную волну, а вторая – осколки.
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