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4 posts total
Shauna GM

Slack just announced they're deleting most of the message history of workspaces on the free plan.

They are not giving groups a chance to save their older messages. We still only have access to last 90 days.

Options are: buy a paid plan for a month and use it to download your archives, or abandon your workspace history.

May be able to hack this with free trials but either way it's a reminder that VC funding will run out and the free things you've come to rely upon will be used to exploit you.

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@shauna I still don't get why people still rely on free services.

Carl B. Latro

This on the day MTV just got erased. :((


@shauna It's really a reminder that nothing is ever "free" if it comes from a corporation and you don't have access to the source code that runs the service to be and to DIY. You are the product or they will eventually shut the door behind you and tell you to pay up or else.

Shauna GM

It's an #NWSL #caturday! Tybalt may be sleeping through Bay v Orlando but I am not. Good match so far!

Shauna GM

What resources do you recommend for building ActivityPub-enabled apps/servers in Python?

Tutorials, guides, helper libraries, frameworks (if they even exist)

(I will definitely be building whatever I build in Python but if there's a resource for another language that you've found helpful please share)

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