We're calling on the Tor & Internet freedom community to help scale up WebTunnel bridges. Ever thought about running a Tor bridge? Now is the time! Our goal is to deploy 200 new WebTunnel bridges by the end of this year to open secure access for users in Russia.🕸️🌉 https://blog.torproject.org/call-for-webtunnel-bridges/
Can a webtunnel bridge be combined with an already running obfs4 bridge on the same IP?
I am willing to set this up if it can be done on the same server.
@torproject For people looking to help, but not being tech savvy or just looking for a low effort way to help: consider installing the Snowflake plugin.
@torproject just tried a webtunnel bridge, the connection succeeded! unlike any fresh obsf4 bridge i've tried for the past 3 days. your work is invaluable! ❤️