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The Tor Project

We're calling on the Tor & Internet freedom community to help scale up WebTunnel bridges. Ever thought about running a Tor bridge? Now is the time! Our goal is to deploy 200 new WebTunnel bridges by the end of this year to open secure access for users in Russia.πŸ•ΈοΈπŸŒ‰



Can a webtunnel bridge be combined with an already running obfs4 bridge on the same IP?
I am willing to set this up if it can be done on the same server.

Emil Jacobs - Collectifission

@torproject For people looking to help, but not being tech savvy or just looking for a low effort way to help: consider installing the Snowflake plugin.

Dakota πŸ’€

@collectifission @torproject this is an interesting concept. I worry about the security of this though. Does snowflake have security policies on what can be proxied? If they are just proxying to my browser, do they have access to my internal network? This feels like it's rife for abuse if they're trying to tell non-tech savy people to use it.

morganist β§–

@torproject just tried a webtunnel bridge, the connection succeeded! unlike any fresh obsf4 bridge i've tried for the past 3 days. your work is invaluable! ❀️

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