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Open Rights Group

The UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill 🗑️ 🥳

Getting this rights-busting legislation binned off at this late stage is not just good timing.

It's down to civil society challenging the dangerous proposals in the Bill every step of the way.

The next government is put on notice.

Read ORG’s statement ⬇️

#dataprotection #digitalrights #GDPR #privacy #ukpolitics #data

The UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill 🗑️ 🥳

Getting this rights-busting legislation binned off at this late stage is not just good timing.

It's down to civil society challenging the dangerous proposals in the Bill every step of the way.

The next government is put on notice.

Read ORG’s statement ⬇️

Open Rights Group

Whatever the UK #GeneralElection brings, ORG will fight for our digital rights in a fast-moving and hostile political environment.

The defeat of the #DPDIBill shows what we can achieve together 🦾

Join the movement today ⬇️

#dataprotection #digitalrights #privacy #data #ukpolitics

Open Rights Group

UK government plans to plug biometric passport data into an expanding system of facial recognition will be enabled by the #DataGrabBill.

Ministerial powers to expand the list of 'legitimate uses' includes reporting criminal acts or safeguarding concerns to appropriate authorities for alleged crimes or to the suspicion of crimes.

This creates the condition of possibility for data-fuelled mass surveillance.

#HandsOffOurData #GDPR #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics

UK government plans to plug biometric passport data into an expanding system of facial recognition will be enabled by the #DataGrabBill.

Ministerial powers to expand the list of 'legitimate uses' includes reporting criminal acts or safeguarding concerns to appropriate authorities for alleged crimes or to the suspicion of crimes.

Teop Versant

@openrightsgroup I do not honestly believe you can control mass surveillance in the UK. They have cameras everywhere. Also, the US is beginning to resemble the same police state every day. Soon Americans will be back where they started from, with regards to rights and liberties.


@openrightsgroup Very troubling, and seen across the western world. The trouble with reporting what seems like legitimate concerns is that the authorities approach such concerns with the presumption of guilt, not innocence.

To fascist-leaning politicians working in a democracy, there must be great appeal int he way places like China does its population management.

Open Rights Group


Your data can and will be used against you by the State and corporations.

The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill makes it harder for you to challenge data abuse.

✍️ Write to your MP in the UK today.

#HandsOffOurData #DataGrab #GDPR #DPDI #DPDIBill #dataprotection #privacy #ukpolitics

Open Rights Group

"Let me be blunt: encryption is either broken for everyone, or it works for everyone. There is no way to create a safe backdoor."

@Mer__edith calls the #OnlineSafetyBill what it is, a menace to privacy and a way to impose mass surveillance via our messaging apps.

#privacy #surveillance #e2ee #encryption

A must read 👇

Allan Haverholm

.@openrightsgroup @Mer__edith

As long as Signal remans a data silo and a single point of failure, encryption should be the least of its users' worries...

Decentralise now.

Krafty :arcolinux: :neovim:

@openrightsgroup @Mer__edith the UK is trying really hard to become the V For Vendetta version isn't it!

Open Rights Group

You wouldn't spy on everyone's private messages. Unless you're the UK government.

Stop the Online Safety Bill. Stop the scan. #DataPrivacyDay

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@openrightsgroup No wonder they want to scrap the humn rights act where Article 8 gives us a right to privacy.

Rhombus Ticks

@openrightsgroup "For the Children" has been used for more and greater evil than any other set of words in human history

Open Rights Group

The government confirms the #OnlineSatefyBill will class video showing people crossing the Channel in small boats in a 'positive light' as illegal content. Upload filters could remove lawful posts with serious implications for public discourse.

How will the algorithm know what is encouraging immigration and what is a video clip of a documentary about the issue? #freedomofexpression

The government confirms the #OnlineSatefyBill will class video showing people crossing the Channel in small boats in a 'positive light' as illegal content. Upload filters could remove lawful posts with serious implications for public discourse.

How will the algorithm know what is encouraging immigration and what is a video clip of a documentary about the issue? #freedomofexpression

Matthew Slowe

@openrightsgroup this bill is the farce that keeps on giving…!



Good grief! This really is the #ThoughtPolice from George Orwell's 1984. #Totalitarianism and #MassSurveillance for real.

So much for our so-called #democracy.

Open Rights Group

The Online Safety Bill introduces mandatory age verification on content platforms. Non-profits using community content moderation will have to collect more user data. Adults and children will be exposed to privacy risks as there isn’t capacity to hold data securely.

The Wikimedia Foundation warns of the Bill's impact on Wikipedia and other open knowledge platforms.

#BlockTheBill #OnlineSafetyBill #privacy #freedomofexpression

The Online Safety Bill introduces mandatory age verification on content platforms. Non-profits using community content moderation will have to collect more user data. Adults and children will be exposed to privacy risks as there isn’t capacity to hold data securely.

The Wikimedia Foundation warns of the Bill's impact on Wikipedia and other open knowledge platforms.

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