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155 posts total

😂 I get the feeling I the only young ngga under 20 on dis app ???
Where u at ##BlackMastodon?
I fw anyone i don gaf but it would be nice to know?

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I'll be 65 in March. And I'm very happy to follow you & learn things about your culture. I think you're one of the youngest people I follow, too. I do hope you can find some more young people.

Cedar Fen Farm Cedar Fen Farm


Hey, Jayden, I live in W. Wisconsin, raise sheep, and run a restaurant. Great to have you join us. If you are looking for certain groups to talk to try hashtags. You can set your account to follow them and include the tag in your heading so others find you. For ex. Those I follow include #SheepOfMastodon and #TurtleIsland. Try some word combinations you think others might be using.

Klara! ❤️

@Jaden3 20 year old here! There are a lot of people here, but yeah, it leans quite heavily older and whiter. Happy to meet another young person here though!


So you’re telling me I can’t just add a very small number to a very large number and get a precise result? That’s wild!

Csepp 🌢

@gosha Floats are fucking weird, yup. I'm glad only like 10% of our numerical analysis class was actually about error estimation.

external quantum efficiency

@gosha I love this website and post it every time floating point comes up


congrats to the people of the US on finding out that yes, a country can be made to run DOOM


Looks like the UK government is building an app that's going to allow digitising some ID docs, starting with the driver's license. I hope they find a way to just stick it in the Apple Wallet (or Android wallet), instead of requiring you to use their own app!


@gosha California supports Drivers Licenses in Apple Wallet. I wonder if they'll use that.


@gosha In Portugal, the government has an app where you choose the documents you want, driving licence, ID etc. and they are automatically uploaded to the app.


I wrote a post about how to set up your Doom Emacs (on a Mac) to study #SICP.


As I’m doing the SICP exercises, I realise that I’ve actually gone through some of this back in uni (20 years ago, wow). What strikes me is how unexcited I was about this material back then.

I went to uni right out of high school, and I was so confused about life and who I was that I was clearly not in the right mindset to fully benefit from the education (I actually went to study engineering because the two things I liked were computers and drawing, and I got rejected from art school)

Now, 20 years later, this material fascinates and excites me, and I’m very glad I found my way back to it!

As I’m doing the SICP exercises, I realise that I’ve actually gone through some of this back in uni (20 years ago, wow). What strikes me is how unexcited I was about this material back then.

I went to uni right out of high school, and I was so confused about life and who I was that I was clearly not in the right mindset to fully benefit from the education (I actually went to study engineering because the two things I liked were computers and drawing, and I got rejected from art school)

Ramakrishnan VU2JXN

@gosha About 12 years ago, I did almost all exercises in SICP. It was well worth it. There are a few that I glossed over and want to revisit, but now that it has been so long, I will probably read and work through it again.


After a long career in recruitment, my friend James reconnected with his inner artist and has been working on wood sculpture pieces over the last year or so. He just completed this impressive one, called "Capitalism 2025", just in time for the orange man's inauguration. #theWorkshop


That child-like delight when I figured out #SICP exercise 1.6, haha. I love this very much.

Exercise 1.6: Alyssa P. Hacker doesn’t see why `if` needs to be provided as a special form. “Why can’t I just define it as an ordinary procedure in terms of `cond`?” she asks. Alyssa’s friend Eva Lu Ator claims this can indeed be done, and she defines a new version of if:
(define (new-if predicate then-clause else-clause)
(cond (predicate then-clause)
(else else-clause)))

Eva demonstrates the program for Alyssa:
(new-if (= 2 3) 0 5)
(new-if (= 1 1) 0 5)

Delighted, Alyssa uses new-if to rewrite the square-root program:
(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
(new-if (good-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))

What happens when Alyssa attempts to use this to compute square roots? Explain.

@gosha it's so good isn't it?! im stuck on exercise 1.11 for now

Alastair M. D. Touw

@gosha I love the little epiphanies that stay with you forever, but… Eva Lu Ator? 👏🏻😒


@gosha you can do that in Haskell because it's lazy evaluated :blob_cat_peek:


Hi! We are looking for London shops (staffed public spaces with set hours) willing to help collecting petitions to recall congress people from Taiwanese diaspora. Plus+ if they can help print the petition form.

If you’re in other big cities in EU/US, there’s currently no known demand, but it might help if we make it known. In London people have volunteered to collect and mail them.

DM me please.

RT for visibility. TY :)

For why we are doing this, see:

Hi! We are looking for London shops (staffed public spaces with set hours) willing to help collecting petitions to recall congress people from Taiwanese diaspora. Plus+ if they can help print the petition form.

If you’re in other big cities in EU/US, there’s currently no known demand, but it might help if we make it known. In London people have volunteered to collect and mail them.


“The way you construct a recursive process… is by wishful thinking. You have to believe!”

James Diacono

@gosha My lack of faith made it really hard to "get" mathematical induction in school.


Is the music that plays during interludes in the SICP lectures from "Switched On Bach" by Wendy Carlos? Example:

robbie lyman

@gosha hmmm. that is Bach on a synthesizer… i don’t recall that particular tone or tune on my copy of Switched On Bach, but is it possible Wendy made several records?


Was reminded of this toot by @temochka today. A year later, still practicing projecting confidence, and still stumbling/struggling my way through 😁


I’ve been reading the intro to SICP, and I’m like “Yes..!! Haha, YES!!!” Spirits and sorcerors and spells, this is what computing should be all about!


@gosha I'm not familiar with a sorceror. When I read Brave Clojure, I had no idea about Norse mythology.


We're gonna need a bigger coffee

A screenshot of a fragment of a SQL file with no fewer than six nested REGEX_REPLACE calls, followed by a CASE statement

This year, I’m investing in knowledge.

The plan is:

1. ANSI Common Lisp
2. The Little Schemer
4. Practical Common Lisp (may skip)
5. On Lisp
6. Let Over Lambda
7. PAIP (hasn’t arrived yet)
8. Smalltalk-80 (out of curiosity)

I’ll be posting how it goes!

A stack of books related to programming, on a desk. From top to bottom:
- ANSI Common Lisp
- The Little Schemer
- Smalltalk-80: bits of history, words of advice
- Practical Common Lisp
- On Lisp
- Let Over Lambda

@gosha You'll need to be a lot quicker than me at reading that lot!

Alastair M. D. Touw

@gosha I remember there being tutorials like this for Clojure back in 2012 or so, and they were really useful for a beginner, so it's nice to see this kind of thing for Common Lisp as well!


I love it when families have a website under their own domain name, and then family members have a subdomain with their own website. Feels very wholesome!


Reminds me of an earlier time when some families published their own newsletter or something like that. #TheGellerYeller

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