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26 posts total
Andy Piper

Today was a great set of meetings and discussions, moving the forward. Nice to reconnect after too long with @chrismessina - and to meet @J12t @anca @frozencanuck in person, lots more connections to make tomorrow. It is an exciting time in the and ecosystem!

Andy Piper

Our brainstorming session for the Fediverse Developer Network
got a shout-out in The New Stack! /cc @J12t

Andy Piper

What have you done with the stickers that you picked up at ? We'd love to hear / see!

Anonymous poll


added bling for my laptop
shared them with friends #SpreadMastodon
left some in my local coffee shop #SpreadMastodon
other (add a reply!)
0 people voted.
Voting ended 12 February at 17:31.

@andypiper @Mastodon Congrats to the lucky buyer!

So glad to see y'all repping Mastodon at FOSDEM, hope you guys have a blast and celebrate all your hard work (and wish I could have attended, have a beer or two for me haha)

Andy Piper

That was fun! I think the @Mastodon table at was the busiest I’ve experienced at an event for a long time - so great to hear from people that use the platform every day! The team enjoyed the chance to meet you - thanks for coming by! More tomorrow…

Andy Piper

A phrase I heard and loved when I was in a committee room in the UK Parliament this evening, for an Open Source event - “Open Source is the Right to Repair, for software.” 👏🏻 such a perfect way of describing it, I wish I'd been the one to say it!

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Adrien Plazas

@andypiper It's an interesting way of seeing it but it's so incomplete I don't think it's worth using. Open source is the libertarian reappropriation of the librist movement that seeked to build intellectual commons. And it's because the commons are "cheap nature" that the capitalists are so interested by it, even more so as the intellectual commons are made of crystalized labor. The right to repair is a consequence of the fact we are handling with the freedom of the commons.

Martin Geisler

@andypiper Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that gives you the right to repair? With software, the end product is often proprietary and you have no way of fixing a bug in the final binary. A free software license like the is there to prevent taking away this freedom.

Alec Muffett

@andypiper to take a contrary position, I hope that never catches on because (not least) it's a terrible model and some regulators would assume it literally. It ignores software as creative expression, as speech against power, as solution engineering, as creativity.

The community aspects are isomorphic to RTR, one can see that, but it is not a fit paintbrush with which to describe the entire movement.

Stefan Bohacek

@andypiper The past year in the fediverse has been very exciting. Thank you for all your contributions!

Andy Piper

I like this approach, and hope more organisations adopt it.

Andy Piper

Does anyone in my network have technical or product contacts at SquareSpace they could connect me with? (boost for viz please!)

Andy Piper

Excited to announce that the @Mastodon project will have a stand at ... February this year was my first time at , and this time I'll be there with a project I support! Looking forward to it.

Andy Piper

I’ll be leading a 101 session about Mastodon and more at the unconference this morning.

Andy Piper

I attended the first - it was a good, useful experience to learn more about the various projects collaborating through . I’m going to be on vacation this second time so I will unfortunately not be there, but, I recommend it to developers - they have tickets at more accessible price points. I look forward to hearing about outcomes and catching up on the notes when I’m back!


@andypiper @fediforum Are there any video recordings from the 1st?

Andy Piper

The 4.2.0-beta1 is available for testing, and there’s a lot of good stuff inside - it is also a great time to get involved and contribute to our translations project! More info and a link to CrowdIn here ->

Andy Piper

In a thoroughly timely move, I’m re-upping this post thinking about the future of in a heterogenous world of social platforms. Apropos of, I dunno, something… let’s call it “X”.

Andy Piper

I love the whimsy of these apps, and the fact that Mastodon’s API and openness supports the ability to create them. Looking at a community-contributed patch to get them added to the website, too.

Andy Piper

In case you’re not aware - I’m working with the Mastodon team on and community 🚀

If you’re building a client on the I would love to get connected and help you stay up-to-date. Drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on! 🙏🏻

(pls boost for reach / tell the devs of your fave apps)

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Amazed for the fast switch Andy, I can imagine the struggles, thus now the joy, so towards it!

Andy Piper

Sad that my friends building apps on Twitter got cut off from the API - I spent a lot of time working to keep that API alive - but, happy to see folks like Tapbots here building on

Andy Piper

... and, in case you missed the news - I'm excited to be working with @Gargron and the team, to support developers who work with the Mastodon API. We love the developer ecosystem building on the platform.

Andy Piper

👋🏻 so you may have read (and I’m excited to share!) that I’ll be helping @Gargron and the team with the developer community and space.

Finishing up a busy weekend showing completely-unrelated things at - but I’ll have more to post about this soon… 😊

jenn schiffer

@andypiper i read the news from patreon this morning - congrats to everyone, v excited they’re bringing you on board A++ great match

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