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Мужик, у тебя изолента есть? На, мужик, изоленту.
I honestly actively despise the mobile app market.

Not only the scammers who buy others developers apps just to shove more ads into them but everything about Android and iOS apps is cursed. When I hear that somebody wants to make a mobile app, they probably do that from the desire to make a quick buck.

Not only most apps are proprietary but they are full of shitty coding practices. Bloated so much, so simple app takes a gigabyte of space for nothing. Riddled with so much trackers, it literally will burn your data and battery in an hour.

And of course, there are ads. So much ads, you moving from one activity to another? Get an ad. Your mobile device just lying doing nothing? Get a push notification with an ad. Want to disable notification but then the app goes "oh why you disabled notifications? I won't work unless you enable them back!"
I honestly actively despise the mobile app market.

Not only the scammers who buy others developers apps just to shove more ads into them but everything about Android and iOS apps is cursed. When I hear that somebody wants to make a mobile app, they probably do that from the desire to make a quick buck.
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