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4 posts total
Matt Blaze

Today is the 30th anniversary of the disclosure, by some troublemaking malcontent, of a flaw in the NSA's "Clipper Chip" key escrow scheme.

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Chris Samuel

@mattblaze "the man who sank the Clipper ship" šŸ˜ƒ - I remember reading about that kerfuffle over in the UK back then. Thanks so much for sharing both that and the paper!



*swoosh hand* Oh, that rascalā€¦ I wonder if he ever stopped that ā€œhackingā€ nonsense and made anything of himself.


Matt Blaze

Today, 3/14, is Pi Day in the US, where the date corresponds to the first three significant digits of the eponymous mathematical constant. Europeans find this baffling, since there, under the metric system, Pi is exactly 10.

Matt Blaze

Several people claiming that Pi isnā€™t actually 10 in Europe. If not, sounds like the metric system isnā€™t as useful as itā€™s made out to be.

Matt Blaze

Really impressed by the number of people on social media who turn out to have expertise in both deep sea engineering AND modern Russian political dynamics.

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Keith (karmajunkie)

@mattblaze yes, its been a growing field ever since the Kursk incident...


And, these same people don't give a shit that hundreds/thousands of people have died in Sudan (and a multitude of other places on this planet) since the submarine incident from PREVENTABLE causes (starvation, war, lack of healthcare). Lets STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS stupid submarine jackassery. I don't care, and neither should you. Some rich idiots made bad choices. Full stop. We've nothing to learn from their stupidity because we'll never get on a submarine.


@mattblaze deep sea and Russia has more in common than you may think (^

Matt Blaze

Nice thing about Mastodon: It's one of the extremely rare web pages I visit where my ad blocker doesn't need to do anything.

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