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Matt Blaze

Really impressed by the number of people on social media who turn out to have expertise in both deep sea engineering AND modern Russian political dynamics.

Advanced Persistent Teapot

@mattblaze hey, once you've mastered cryptocoin futures and American election poll design, the rest is easy

JP Etcheber

@mattblaze Immunology and epidemiology is child's play after all that.

You sounds like you're new to the internet
Alexey Merz

@mattblaze I’m impressed by how few of them seem to understand the difference between space (delta P ≈ 1 atm) and the bottom of the sea (>300).

Advanced Persistent Teapot

@merz @mattblaze to be fair space has other issues. You don't have to worry about a 30,000km/h grain of sand in a submersible. But yeah very different problem sets.


@merz @mattblaze I heard a journalist describe what happened to the submersible as “explosive decompression”. 🤦‍♀️


@merz @mattblaze I guess we're at the point where people on social media are too young to remember The Professor explaining this.

Surprised to not see more Futurama memes, maybe I'm not looking in the right place.

Choong Ng

@mattblaze It's quite a phenomenon that the loudest and most confident voices happen to be so knowledgeable in so many areas.


@choong @mattblaze We'd have no idea what was going on if they were a bit more introverted though, or something!

Steven Galbraith

@mattblaze don't forget their also profound knowledge of epidemiology, vaccines, refugees, transgender, etc


@Elliptickiwi @mattblaze

and we can't forget they're also leaders in the fields of middle eastern politics, constitutional law, fetal development and every religion.

Michael Fisher

@mattblaze All I can say is if you’re not paying attention to @radiofreetom when stuff like this is going down, then you’re not paying attention. Expert among experts in this realm.

Draken BlackKnight

@mattblaze Like how 3 years ago people were suddenly experts in epidemiology and political science?

Tom Ritchford

@mattblaze Probably taking a break from their other careers as epidemiologists.

Regis - HTTP 1.1/418 Teapot

@mattblaze They've got some pretty extensive medical expertise as well.

Elaine 💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@mattblaze I'm surprised you don't know about University of Phoenix's online program teaching perspective students both deep sea engineering and modern Russian political dynamics 🤪🤪🤪

@mattblaze Ah yes, the Dunning–Kruger effect. I’m an expert in that. 😆


@mattblaze It’s just a shame that none of them are nuclear experts. I think that’s going to be relevant soon.


@mattblaze Most of us are experts on lots of things. Just don’t ask for our qualifications.

Ossian Puhakka

@mattblaze I mean, both that sub and Russia are heading the same way so it's not that inconceivable. :blobcat_mlem:

Not David Beckham

I got a degree in both from my couch and cable news.


@mattblaze Hey, if only experts should talk on social media, then we wouldn't need social media 😆

WTH, if I would talk only about fields of which I am a *real* expert, nobody here would ever have heard from me. 😉

Mastodon is like the large jar of mixed old screws & bolts in my garage. On many occasions I dig through it, some screws fit, some don't. But most of the time I find something which does the job. 😆

Alan :watchmen:

@mattblaze makes sense since it seems Russia is imploding.


@mattblaze @cautionarytale
And now that I’ve impressed you, let me tell you all about presidential document control.

Annelies Kamran

@mattblaze @Popehat
What?! I watched The Hunt for Red October eleventy times!


@mattblaze it was an elective in my public high school. Never thought I’d need it to be honest. Glad I didn’t waste a semester!



Where are the sarcastic meta-observers who are above everything when you need them?

Jan ☕🎼🎹☁️🏋️‍♂️

@mattblaze probably also in Vaccines, viruses, and many other topics.

Skrrp :bisexual_flag:

@mattblaze eh, I never claim to be an expert in submarine engineering. I'm just a student of people.

Once I read that article about how they sacked then sued the engineer that asked questions about safety I made educated guesses based not on engineering knowledge.

Markus Gerstel :v8rified:

@mattblaze there are lots of people who study implosions using finite elements


@mattblaze Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.


@mattblaze Look... being an unemployable troll with no friends will give someone a LOT of free time to 'do their own research'. :blobthinksmart:

Vastuullinen Liukumiinoittaja

@mattblaze Thanks, I had some time to study both subjects now that it's been quiet on online immunology and virology front

@mattblaze Usually just leave these things to the experts...🙊
(Emergency double quotes are available on request)
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@mattblaze they're really very similar: it's all about not buckling under immense pressure.


ItsDrGrandmaToYou :verified:


Incredible, isn't it?! I just have difficulty making sense of my microwave.


@mattblaze when my daughter was very young (weeks to months old), she had a feeding tube you would be amazed how many experts would offer their expert advice on best practices when we were enjoying a coffee in town.

Jeffrey Goldberg

@mattblaze I do engage in uninformed speculation, but I try to label it as such. My track record over the past 18 hours should also serve to remind people (as I do explicitly) that my guesses can be very wrong.


@mattblaze Just wait until some Russians go down into a deep sea vehicle!


@mattblaze Surely, sir, you recognize their level of expertise in each matter?

I think it's indisputable that they are nearly the same on each topic.



I know! Whatever the trending topic, from #climateChange to a pandemic, people become experts in a matter of hours.

Paul Sutton


I try and make constructive comments on the issues at hand, I don't try and be an expert, just observe and try and make comments hopefully will lead to discussions.



this is after they got done educating epidemiologists and physicians. 🙄

Winged Hussar

What will I find scrolling backwards through your timeline?

François 🇺🇦


You don' t know half of it !
Most are former COVID experts, too.

Steve Cawley

@mattblaze don’t forget those few triple threat experts who also opine about crypto.

David Lewis

@mattblaze just wait until the next major story erupts and THOSE SAME PEEPS prove they have the the same level of expertise

what's that definition of insanity again?

Matt Blaze

Hmm, a LOT of people seem to think this was directed at them personally.


@mattblaze They spent a lot of time at the Dunning-Kruger institute.


@auroran @mattblaze Funny that you mention them. I couldn't get admitted. Blah blah, good grades but lacking in confidence, blah blah.
Now I dance as a stripper for AI's, tired after a long day of writing poetry in the style of Albert Einstein...
I could've been a pundit on deep sea diving, Russian politic's after 1991 and cheese production in the seventeenth century.
I'm not bitter.

Dan Riley

@mattblaze I do know people with experience modeling carbon fiber structures. I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t test first.

Keith (karmajunkie)

@mattblaze yes, its been a growing field ever since the Kursk incident...


And, these same people don't give a shit that hundreds/thousands of people have died in Sudan (and a multitude of other places on this planet) since the submarine incident from PREVENTABLE causes (starvation, war, lack of healthcare). Lets STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS stupid submarine jackassery. I don't care, and neither should you. Some rich idiots made bad choices. Full stop. We've nothing to learn from their stupidity because we'll never get on a submarine.


@mattblaze deep sea and Russia has more in common than you may think (^

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