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Jens Clasen

Some German nouns are used completely out of context:

Bock = goat
Ich habe keinen Bock (I have no goat) = I don't want to

Wurst = sausage
Das ist mir Wurst (That's sausage to me) = I don't care

Besen = broom
Ich fress einen Besen (I eat a broom) = I don't believe this

Keks = cookie
Du gehst mir auf den Keks (You go on my cookie) = You're annoying me

Bahnhof = train station
Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof (I understand only train station) = I don't understand anything


Enjoy our language!

Some German nouns are used completely out of context:

Bock = goat
Ich habe keinen Bock (I have no goat) = I don't want to

Wurst = sausage
Das ist mir Wurst (That's sausage to me) = I don't care

Besen = broom
Ich fress einen Besen (I eat a broom) = I don't believe this

Keks = cookie
Du gehst mir auf den Keks (You go on my cookie) = You're annoying me

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@jensclasen I would presume that "Ich fress nen Besen" is just short for "Wenn das stimmt fress ich nen Besen" ("If that's correct, I'll eat a broom"), which does make a whole lot more Sense.

Sasha 'squirrel' Göbbels

@jensclasen TIL: "Bock haben" actually comes from a Romani phrase (the language of Sinti & Roma people).

Jens Clasen

The German word "gar" can mean:

- cooked, done
- absolutely
- even

- "gar nicht" means "not at all",
- "gar nicht gar" means "not cooked at all"
- And "Ist es gar gar nicht gar?" means "Is it even not cooked at all?!"


- "ganz und gar" means "completely and utterly"
- "ganz oder gar nicht" means "all or nothing"

Confusion gar-anteed. Should've called it Garmany.

Enjoy our language!


The German word "gar" can mean:

- cooked, done
- absolutely
- even

- "gar nicht" means "not at all",
- "gar nicht gar" means "not cooked at all"
- And "Ist es gar gar nicht gar?" means "Is it even not cooked at all?!"


- "ganz und gar" means "completely and utterly"
- "ganz oder gar nicht" means "all or nothing"

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Man kann auch umgangssprachlich "nich ganz gar sein" - dann ist man einfach ein bisschen bekloppt. 😁

Oskar im Keller


And in some South German dialects "des isch gar / das ist gar" does not only mean that something is cooked. It can also mean that the thing in question, often something edible, has been finished (i.e. eaten up or emptied).

Jens Clasen

The German word "eben" can mean

- even, flat
- exactly
- just, a moment ago
- That's what I'm saying!


"Eben! Eben war es noch eben, nun ist es das eben nicht!"


"That's what I'm saying! A moment ago, it was flat, now it absolutely isn't."

Ebenjoy our language!


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Quantium 40

@jensclasen Das wort für "Ebenholz" (ebony) hat übrigens mit keiner dieser Bedeutungen zu tun.

Laut Wikipedia kommt das übrigens von ägyptisch "hbny"

Jens Clasen

The German word "wählen" can mean
- to pick, to choose
- to elect
- to dial
The German word "Null" can mean
- zero
- loser, jerk

So, someone saying "Ich habe die Null gewählt" either means
- "I've dialed zero."
- "I voted for that idiot."

Enjoy our language!


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Ingmar Rieger

@jensclasen Dieser Toot ist bei mir direkt unter einem zu Lindner gelandet. I like it.

Willi Ruppert

@jensclasen my favorite german word is "umfahren". it means both:
to drive around a person in order not to hurt him/her and the opposite
to drive over someone, probably to kill him/her...
pretty clever, you pick what you like...

Staid Winnow

@jensclasen What’s the German translation for the Jesus verse “I come quickly” that captures the indefinite time period?

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