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9 posts total

‼️ Big annoucement!!!

βœ… Tusky 25.0 is officialy out, in F-Droid and Play Store πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

These are the main updates to this new version:

➑️ Support Mastodon translation API
➑️ Show post language
➑️ Improved screen transitions
➑️ Filter settings now moved to account preferences
➑️ Post stats now have a stable position
➑️ A lot off under-the-hood stability & performance improvements.

❗ Also, #Tusky 25.0 app is smaller in size despite having more features.

‼️ Big annoucement!!!

βœ… Tusky 25.0 is officialy out, in F-Droid and Play Store πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

These are the main updates to this new version:

➑️ Support Mastodon translation API
➑️ Show post language
➑️ Improved screen transitions
➑️ Filter settings now moved to account preferences
➑️ Post stats now have a stable position
➑️ A lot off under-the-hood stability & performance improvements.

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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@Tusky is there a way to adjust the new post stats change so that it doesn't show 0/0 on every post without interactions, instead only showing x/y once it has at least one like or boost? it looks kinda awkward in long conversations where nobody's using those features. (and no I don't want to disable metric display entirely)


@Tusky unfortunately App crashing at opening after update 😱😭 on all devices!
Manual stop App and Clear Cache also doesn't help.
Only delete all data with loosing everything works, to get App running again.
Too sad 😒
Used it with multiple Accounts and any single one need to be setup again.

Draken BlackKnight

Any plans on supporting security keys (Yubikey, Solokey, etc)?


We are happy to announce Tusky 25 beta 1!

It includes translation feature, improved screen transitions, metadata display improvements and a lot of other improvements.

Catch it on F-Droid or Play Beta (soon) or get it from releases page:


Tusky is looking for contributors!

The #Tusky team has lost a few contributors this year for various reasons, and we need your help building a kick-ass Mastodon app!

While we would also appreciate more technical contributors, we are specifically looking for:
- a person who can manage or help with our social account
- a project manager who can help us draft a Code of Conduct

Please help us spread the word 😊

Tusky is looking for contributors!

The #Tusky team has lost a few contributors this year for various reasons, and we need your help building a kick-ass Mastodon app!

While we would also appreciate more technical contributors, we are specifically looking for:
- a person who can manage or help with our social account
- a project manager who can help us draft a Code of Conduct

Dr. B Learned Hand

Can you please say more about the code of conduct.
For users
For devs
For both...
Current version?

Celia Valdeolmillos

@Tusky hey, what do you need to help or manage your social account? The one in Mastodon or any other too? It seems interesting (plus I could also toot in Spanish).


If you have #dyslexia , do alternative fonts in apps help with the reading experience?

If yes, are Atkinson Hyperlegible or OpenDyslexic useful fonts to use with #Tusky? Are there others (that are freely redistributable).

The attached screenshots show what this would look like.

Please boost for reach.

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Spin D'Accord


Am I the only one who keeps reading "Atkinson Hypereligible"?

I like Lexend. It's an open font, freely redistributable.

Torb πŸ¦‹

@Tusky A friend of mine who is dyslexic actually found Comic Sans to be very readable.


@Tusky open dyslexic is my go to font. It gives me such a better time reading a lot of things.


#Tusky 20 is out! πŸ’™
It is already available via Google Play, F-Droid should follow soon!
Here is the full changelog:
Enjoy ^_^


Post editing will come with #Tusky 21! We are already working on it, thank you for your patience!


We read all your feedback to #Tusky 20 beta 1 and tried to address it all. Beta 2 is live now!


We're seeing a huge influx in new users of our app! Thank you everyone for chosing to try out #Tusky!

If you can afford to, it would go a long way for our project if you'd donate the equivalent of $1/month (but at a yearly base so $12/year, because it lowers fees!)

You can check out our Open Collective over here:


#Tusky 12 has been released!
We added the possibility to move the main navigation to the bottom, follow more than one hashtag at once, squashed a lot of bugs and improved translations - Tusky is now also translated into Irish, Hindi, Vietnamese and Thai!

Read the full changelog here:

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