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6 posts total
kim_harding ✅

Apple has agreed to pay $95 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that its voice assistant Siri routinely recorded private conversations that were then sold to third parties for targeted ads.

Tofu Musubi

I experimented with Siri for a few days when it first came out several years ago, decided it was junk, then switched it off. #Privacy nightmares like this one are another reason why I would never switch Siri (or any other "assistant") back on. #tech

Kim Scheinberg

There is almost zero chance that very wealthy private individuals aren't buying this data to stalk wives, mistresses, kids, enemies, and would-be romantic partners.

kim_harding ✅

Basic income could put food banks out of business
Soaring income inequality has drastically increased food poverty in the UK. UBI could be a silver bullet.

Well yes, obviously...

kim_harding ✅

Sentence for driving while banned after killing six people: 150 hours unpaid work, 12 months supervision and a restriction of liberty order for four months between the hours of 7pm – 7am.

Sentence for planning to stop traffic in a peaceful protest trying to save the world: four years in prison.

These sentences are the wrong way around, there is something very wrong with the UK.

#FuckCars #ClimateEmergency #NoJustice

Sentence for driving while banned after killing six people: 150 hours unpaid work, 12 months supervision and a restriction of liberty order for four months between the hours of 7pm – 7am.

Sentence for planning to stop traffic in a peaceful protest trying to save the world: four years in prison.

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@kim_harding Protest that prevent people and more importantly emergency vehicles from getting to where they need to be is NEVER a legitimate form of protest. Both of the people in this example should be put in prison.

G. Allais

I would personally ban most cars from the city centre altogether (just to give you an idea of where I stand).

But the details in the article are rather less dramatic than the headline suggests: the man drove twenty (20) meters to move his car from a car park to the front of his house to load heavy objects. No CCTV or plate-reading camera recorded him driving anywhere else.

I don't think that should send him to jail four 4 years...

kim_harding ✅

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source
The United States remains reluctant to work with open source, but European countries are bolder.

kim_harding ✅

A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation.'
—Enrique Penalosa

Picture shows Sir Paul McCartney sitting on a train reading a book.
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@kim_harding I can't understand why this quote is attached to a pic of a BRITISH #train & still doing the rounds on social media. The #UK has got the WORST record in terms of #publictransport investment, let's not even talk about #HS2, about how much it costs to go from London to Cornwall, or how impossible it is to do 200km between 2 points away from the capital. It's woeful, if not criminal. Please stop using #Macca to pretend #Tories did anything other than DESTROY public transport.

Daigoro Toyama Saw this on an FB post, and naturally, lots of negative comments followed, most of which I assume came from North Americans.

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