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kim_harding ✅

Sentence for driving while banned after killing six people: 150 hours unpaid work, 12 months supervision and a restriction of liberty order for four months between the hours of 7pm – 7am.

Sentence for planning to stop traffic in a peaceful protest trying to save the world: four years in prison.

These sentences are the wrong way around, there is something very wrong with the UK.

#FuckCars #ClimateEmergency #NoJustice


Half of it is a Tory hangover still, but that needs reversing.

Alien Anomaly

@catdad @kim_harding

We wrote a song on a similar theme:-

Too many churches, not enough love.

Toni Massari

@kim_harding WELL SAID! Sentencing needs to be subject to review BEFORE finally being passed

Dr Manabu Sakamoto (he/him)

@kim_harding It’s clearly a bigger crime to infringe on drivers’ rights to drive as they see fit, than the fatal consequences of such unrestricted driving. Apparently the average Brit hates cyclists…

David Cantrell 🏏

@kim_harding I have no opinion about the lorry driver and I've not read the article, but the enviro-hippies all had previous convictions for related crimes, and clearly scoffed at suspended or short sentences and community service. Their sentences, at least, seem reasonable.

kim_harding ✅

@DrHyde Maybe you should try informing yourself before making ignorant comments. Otherwise, you just come across as a Troll.

Or perhaps you think that the deaths of indent people are excitable, whereas peaceful protest is not.

Either way, please stay way from my timeline.


@kim_harding @DrHyde informing oneself about what, dumbfuck protesters being repeat offenders? Story as old as time, they block a major street, piss off everyone, cause collateral damage by blocking emergency services, creating a stressful and polluting jam and making people late for work/train/date/plane/whatever, they get a slap on the wrist with a more serious suspended sentence and then proceed to ignore that, go back to do the exact same thing and rinse and repeat until they get actual jail time. At which point people like you show up to cry about "peaceful protesters" getting jail time.

Oh, and on the topic of "informing yourself", Just Stop Oil was confirmed to be partially funded by a family of an oil magnate. They're so stupid and harmful to their cause, the actual oil lobby helps fund them to ruin the public opinion of environmental activists, and you defend them for free.

@kim_harding @DrHyde informing oneself about what, dumbfuck protesters being repeat offenders? Story as old as time, they block a major street, piss off everyone, cause collateral damage by blocking emergency services, creating a stressful and polluting jam and making people late for work/train/date/plane/whatever, they get a slap on the wrist with a more serious suspended sentence and then proceed to ignore that, go back to do the exact same thing and rinse and repeat until they get actual jail...

Aral Balkan

@DrHyde @kim_harding Enviro-hippies? Dude, they’re trying to save your habitat. I mean talk about opening your mouth and removing all doubt…


@aral @DrHyde @kim_harding I have not been following this story, but I've never understood why protestors use blocking traffic as a tactic. It just pisses off a lot of people potentially on your side.


@theothersimo @aral @DrHyde @kim_harding uh yeah they are. If protestors blocked the road and made me late for a doctor's appointment, or anything else I would be highly annoyed even though I'm definitely want our governments to get off their collective asses and really do something serious about the climate emergency. Ditto for the people vandalizing art and monuments. Not all publicly is good publicity.


For making Zoom calls discussing how to raise awareness to try and have a livable biosphere ? 5 years jail?
Fcuking hell.



@kim_harding The system is working the way it was intended to work.

The ruling class doesn't care if the working class die.
The ruling class cares when they are interfered with.


@kim_harding I have two words to describe that "White privilege".

A migrant, a black person would rot in jail.

kim_harding ✅

@aphenglow So how do you explain the sentencing of the protesters? They are all white...

Pam in Crumpsall

@kim_harding Death by dangerous or careless driving should be treated the same as manslaughter. It's obscene that motorists who are unfit or not concentrating get a slap on the wrist. If I knocked somebody down due to careless driving, not only would I give up driving, I'd fully accept the consequences. As it is I often look 100 yards down the road to see hazards on pavements because you never know when there are careless pedestrians or cyclists too.

Paul Sutton


I partly got the impression for the JSO 4 year terms was decided on their behaviour in court too. So not just for planning to disrupt the motor way but they were also contempt of court.

kim_harding ✅

@zleap Where did you get that impression from?

Here is some background to what is going on

Also, a UN representative believes may “violate the UK’s obligations under international human rights law”.

Simon Johnson

@zleap @kim_harding they weren’t sentenced for contempt as such, if I’ve understood correctly, but the judge said he was taking their disruption of proceedings into account when passing his outrageous sentences

kim_harding ✅

@Simon318ppm @zleap So they got stiffer sentences because they didn't have professional legal representation? That is not a fair trial, then.

Remember that the previous UK government wanted to remove the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights.

Maybe you are happy to see the UK slide into autocracy, I am not.

kim_harding ✅

There seem to be quite few comments on the sentencing of the driver in the above post, and yes, there is a problem with the Cult of the Sacred Driving Licence
As I pointed out in 2011...


Tag Your Toe

@kim_harding JSO is an op funded by oil profiteers to make climate activism look absurd and hearing about their chaos agents being jailed hits like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day.

Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@kim_harding The Government's reaction to COVID proved to me they don't give a single fuck if us citizens live or die, human life is not valued in our society, Money is.


@kim_harding Protest that prevent people and more importantly emergency vehicles from getting to where they need to be is NEVER a legitimate form of protest. Both of the people in this example should be put in prison.

kim_harding ✅


Oh do stop trolling, congestion caused by motor vehicles is a far greater problem that the odd protest. Odd how people like you either can't see that or really don't care...

Now piss off!!

G. Allais

I would personally ban most cars from the city centre altogether (just to give you an idea of where I stand).

But the details in the article are rather less dramatic than the headline suggests: the man drove twenty (20) meters to move his car from a car park to the front of his house to load heavy objects. No CCTV or plate-reading camera recorded him driving anywhere else.

I don't think that should send him to jail four 4 years...

kim_harding ✅

@gallais He killed six people while driving after lying about a health condition which meant he should have been driving, and wasn't given a jail sentence.

After his first driving ban, he was caught driving away from the court. This is a well-known story in Scotland, there is more to it than is in that one article.

The question is, which is the greater threat to society, those who have actually killed others, or peaceful protesters?

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