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kim_harding ✅

A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation.'
—Enrique Penalosa

Picture shows Sir Paul McCartney sitting on a train reading a book.

I suspect he owns that train ... company ... (with Pete Waterman) ... 👍

Ban El Al from our skies

@kim_harding the Queen used to take the train to Kings Lynn for Sandringham. They cleared the first class area for her. Two models of train ran on that line and she had strong views on which she was better and hence was always rostered



And no one wants to be brave enough to sit down, say good morning, and just ride.

Alistair K

@kinyutaka @kim_harding I would. I remember him because we both got doctorates conferred in the same ceremony along with Martin Rees.

I wouldn't do the big suck-up fuss that others were doing, though. The groupies were out of control.


@libroraptor @kim_harding

I'm not a huge Beatles fan or anything, but I'd probably still squeal like a little girl if he got off his stop and posted on Facebook about me just treating him like a normal bloke.

Alistair K

@kinyutaka @kim_harding I was annoyed that, as he and the other honorary candidates were processed in – all within arm's reach – the fuss layered on this particular guy was conspicuously undermining the others. The situation needed much better management for the honorary degrees to make the value statements that they're meant to.

Holger Spielmann

@kim_harding ... and on a corollary, this implies that #Hamburg is actually one of the most developed cities, as it one of the few places where you can find 1st and 2nd class coaches on the metro ("S-Bahn").

Western Pacific

@kim_harding @kirt
I liked public transport, until it was filled with COVID

Guadalupe Archipiélago 🍊 🌄

A developed country is not a place where the rich use public transportation. It's where there are no rich people.
-- @p00k4

«Eat the Rich»


@kim_harding The problem with Public Transport is that it doesn't start from where you are, and it doesn't put you down where you want to be. At our local hospital even your own car deposits you in a car park several light years from the main entrance (and then there are more light years to walk when you get in) so we have found the best transport there for us is by taxi. But it is very expensive, especially if you need several visits - 50 mile round trip each time.

kim_harding ✅

@Arthurian That's what happens when everything is built around the most efficient means of transport ever invented, the car.

Cars corrupt and enshittify everything, local services are shut down on the grounds that everyone can be made to drive to somewhere else. It doesn't have to be that way, we can build a better world.

Dan Herbert

@Arthurian @kim_harding That's a problem in places with bad public transit. Where it is done well, cars are deprioritized so mass transit, pedestrians, and cyclists get the best experiences.

Peter Krefting

@Arthurian @kim_harding But then again, taxi is a part of public transport. The good thing about taxis is that they optimize car usage, meaning less cars being wasted in parking lots 99 percent of the time.


@Arthurian That's not a problem with public transport as such, but with badly designed (hospital end) and too little (where you are starting from) public transport.

A hospital should be well connected to large transit lines, like one or more metro lines, light rail, MTR. Situated at/over the station, with short, accessible walkways. And wherever you are needs to be close to some kind of transit that will bring you to your closest hospital with a minimal number of changes. It's not hard to design, but it needs to be built and run.


@Arthurian That's not a problem with public transport as such, but with badly designed (hospital end) and too little (where you are starting from) public transport.

A hospital should be well connected to large transit lines, like one or more metro lines, light rail, MTR. Situated at/over the station, with short, accessible walkways. And wherever you are needs to be close to some kind of transit that will bring you to your closest hospital with a minimal number of changes. It's not hard to design,...


Thats not a public transport problem thats really, really poor design. There should be an electrified light rail stop where you hop off at the hospital and then a lift and stairs into the foyer or out the front.

Even the Gold Coast in Australia had a light rail stop at the hospital and thats a car centric nightmare of a place.


Brian Grinter

@Arthurian @kim_harding in Australia public transport was neglected for decades, we’re finally getting new metro lines about 25 years late.
Visiting London I enjoyed have trains take me almost anywhere

Dave Sanderson 🇨🇦🍁

@kim_harding My wife and I were walking on Bond Street in London in 2007 with another couple of Canadians when I spotted him walking towards us. He heard our colonial accents and stopped to talk to us for about a minute. Nice man. He probably would have chatted with you as well, for a bit.

Martin Kazinsky

@kim_harding Well, obviously his baby is driving his car!

Martin Kazinsky

@msur @kim_harding NOW he‘s sitting in the train AND THEN he‘ll be walking on PENNY LANE

Rachel Rawlings

@kim_harding Though I am wondering whether it's a pre-Brexit photo fiven how committed the Tory government is to removing England from the developed world.

House Panther :verified:

@kim_harding I'm a big fan of public transportation but if I used it, it would make a 20 minute commute turn into an hour and a half. Public transportation in the US outside of a major metropolitan area sucks.


@kim_harding meanwhile, in America, the bus stop was so dark this morning that I think the driver actually missed me, and the bus stop by my work is near inaccessible because of the lack of sidewalks

Elon Muksis

@kim_harding I read Hawaii was like that, before USA made it a colony of cheap labour.


@kim_harding in a really developed country people can travel on public transport without strangers taking their photograph.


@kim_harding Kong Olav - king of Norway in the 70's - paying for his subway fare on way to skiing weekend. The ultimate example. This was during the oil crisis in 1973.

Elias Aarnio

@kim_harding This is exactly the reason why USA will not become a developed country in foreseeable future.



@kim_harding A wishful thinking would be that he's proofreading the contracts to buy that train he's in right now and let it ride for free across the country. Like, forever.


@kim_harding I can't understand why this quote is attached to a pic of a BRITISH #train & still doing the rounds on social media. The #UK has got the WORST record in terms of #publictransport investment, let's not even talk about #HS2, about how much it costs to go from London to Cornwall, or how impossible it is to do 200km between 2 points away from the capital. It's woeful, if not criminal. Please stop using #Macca to pretend #Tories did anything other than DESTROY public transport.

Daigoro Toyama Saw this on an FB post, and naturally, lots of negative comments followed, most of which I assume came from North Americans.

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