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6 posts total
Paul Cantrell

Who called it “code review” instead of “objection-oriented programming”

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@inthehands how dare you start a line with the ‘{ ‘?

Air Adam

@inthehands Same person who came up with "linter" when "complainer" feels like a more accurate accessory to the compiler!


@inthehands That’s excellent! I’m calling it that instead right away.

Paul Cantrell

So…there is a concerted campaign, with Musk as its mouthpiece, to discredit Signal and get people to switch to Telegram. It’s disinformation, but there’s also useful information in it. The useful information is that a hideous, powerful, right-wing crank — or whoever’s yanking his chain — really, really wants people to use Telegram.

We’ve long known Telegram’s security is weak. But now, in light of this new information, we should move forward assuming that Telegram is actively compromised.

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Maddie :neocat_floof_cute: could also just be the fact that telegram has nazis in the devteam

NeoAtlantis Can we just do an open source Telegram server that has all the features the official ones have, and modify the clients a bit to allow self hosted servers? Cause telegram still has some good user experience.

:3_pink: אבי telegram is used by facists who think that signal is too "woke"

Paul Cantrell

There’s a lot to chew on in this short article (ht @ajsadauskas):

“An AI resume screener…trained on CVs of employees already at the firm” gave candidates extra marks if they listed male-associated sports, and downgraded female-associated sports.

Bias like this is enraging, but completely unsurprising to anybody who knows half a thing about how machine learning works. Which apparently doesn’t include a lot of execs and HR folks.


There’s a lot to chew on in this short article (ht @ajsadauskas):

“An AI resume screener…trained on CVs of employees already at the firm” gave candidates extra marks if they listed male-associated sports, and downgraded female-associated sports.

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@inthehands @ajsadauskas @pyoor
Or maybe that's a feature, to certain people

Kevin Karhan

@inthehands @ajsadauskas

Pretty shure affected candidates may be eligible for compensation amidst this blatant #discrimination...

Because that's some shite that would get #HR folks fired and sued by their employers in any reasonable juristiction.

Gordon W

@inthehands @ajsadauskas
AI tools don’t write well, don’t convey consistently accurate information, are biased to those already in power, why use them for a hiring process!?. Ease of use? It’s no mystery how to find the best mix of candidates. Good HR and Hiring managers already do it. Artificial Intelligence provides no marginal benefit.

Paul Cantrell

You know how young children will see some toy or shiny object on a store shelf, and somehow — by design! Marketers know what they’re doing! — they instantly •have• to have it, and are obsessed, and all sense and proportion go out they window and they need it now now NOW, but if they get it they soon abandon it because it’s junk that only looked good on the shelf?

It’s like that with CEOs and AI right now.

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just wait till they here about about the first CEO-AI to voted in by a board of directors...

Nicolas Ward

@inthehands @wlonk My sister and I learned this lesson with Domino Rally. Had seen on TV, looked great on shelf! Had a Toys R Us gift card, got it home, broken and missing parts. Replaced; quickly realized it took forever to setup for like 30 seconds of fun and even then it barely worked. Ending up exchanging for a nice reliable combo box of Risk + Castles Risk (which my parents only got rid of in the last year).

Paul Cantrell

Just beating my old drum:

The fines involved could tip some of these companies into bankruptcy.

That’s good.

Corporations will behave very differently depending on whether they believe a sufficiently large privacy or security breach could be a company-ending event.

Rich Felker

@inthehands Fines never seem effective at that. I just want an explicit corporate death penalty. You do bad enough things, all stock/ownership is nullified and anything of public benefit the company was doing is continued under a restructuring to be publicly owned. Anything purely harmful or superfluous just ceases.

tired blip

@inthehands I'm strongly and unapologetically of the opinion that corporate fines for highly serious issues should *often* be company-ending events. To use a different example of a space I believe this: getting hit with, say, a $2M anti-trust fine is a rounding error for a company like Meta or Google or Apple. Even $2B is a rounding error. But $200B? (which is a bit over double Apple's 2022 total profit) Cool, now those companies might fix their shit.

Paul Cantrell

This is good (from @shriramk):

The skill of recognizing and diagnosing broken code only becomes •more• important in the face of LLM code generators.

Paul Cantrell

Any experienced programmer worth their salt will tell you that •producing• code — learning syntax, finding examples, combining them, adding behaviors, adding complexity — is the •easy• part of programming.

The hard part: “How can it break? How will it surprise us? How will it change? Does it •really• accomplish our goal? What •is• our goal? Are we all even imagining the same goal? Do we understand each other? Will the next person to work on this understand it? Should we even build this?”

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