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Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus

I am such a fucking adult, I just sent like 22 goddamn e-mails without needing to PAUSE or take a BREAK.


Nobody can out-adult me I am COORDINATING, I am TOUCHING BASE, I am SYNCING UP OFFLINE, I am promoting SYNERGIES hitherto not fully SYNERGIZED BEFORE,

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I just sent like 22 goddamn e-mails without needing to PAUSE or take a BREAK

*proceeds to send an email CCing 23 people writing "as per my last email this issue is still present*

Andy the sequel to short skirt long jacket is a bop!

Mia Rose Winter :v_greyace:​

@thephd I find once I start writing emails it is actually easy to write multiple, so sometimes I collect them before doing them all in one sitting

Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus


"… not to be all "conservation of energy" here but when someone tells you they've eliminated complexity, it usually means the complexity is now someone else's problem. …"


Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus

Incidentally, this is one of the central points of the Go article that keeps getting posted to HN and causing a flamewar each and every time from
@fasterthanlime; Go reduces complexity and makes things "simple" by just making it your/someone else's problem.

And it's absolutely not any better in terms of workability or final product.

Joshua Barretto

@thephd I've stopped chasing simplicity in favour of a sort of 'oneness' that I've seen emerge from good software: where the ends are all neatly tied up, where the semantics of components are clear and cognizant, where there's a sort of ineffable harmony and you just *know* by looking at it and understanding it that it's going to pass any unit test you throw at it. Neither complex nor simple, but sufficient for the problem domain. Type systems help a lot with getting there, but aren't essential.

Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus

HEARTBREAKING: No Longer Reproducible !

I Love That My Concurrent Execution Bug No Longer Reproduces On Any Of Your Machines® !

Very cool. Extremely awesome. Peak Friday Evening development. Ready to go home and have this haunt me, hour after hour. Day after day. Whole nights, tossing and turning. What happened? What did we do wrong? Where did our hell begin?

Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus

So, after a full day and a lot of back and forth, a few very important things have come to light. I'll try to summarize them here because I've been posting primarily in the Bad Places® rather than the Good Places™, so that nobody's lost.

- It looks like somebody from inside the Rust Project, but not with the consensus of all leadership, tried to downgrade my talk (or perhaps have it outright retracted) because they did not like the direction the compile-time work I was doing. (Learned from:
- The decision to downgrade my talk, once it was known I was going to talk about Compile-Time Reflection in Rust, came anywhere from 4 to 8 days before I was actually told this past Friday and had to release the blog post stepping away. However, as evidenced by much of the public statements from existing, ex, and now-ex Rust Project members, the decision to unilaterally downgrade was not known to many of them until they read my post.
- Downgrading the keynote was NEVER voted on like inviting me to do the keynote in the first place.

All in all, this reeks of someone trying to run-around the consensus of the Rust Project because they don't like Shepherd Oasis's or my work (detailed here:

I don't know how to handle this going forward. The Rust Project has effectively ultimate commit rights to rustc and all of the projects our work would touch are under the control of the organization that did this. Even if we do the work, they could effectively unwind and undo a lot of our work, or indefinitely block it with an endless slew of "reasonable concerns" from ranking project members who seem to have problems but don't want to communicate them except by taking potshots at the status of my now-gone RustConf talk.

I don't know what to do. I'm pretty lost, it's Sunday, and I have a shitload of things I still need to do, not including this whole trainwreck.

So, after a full day and a lot of back and forth, a few very important things have come to light. I'll try to summarize them here because I've been posting primarily in the Bad Places® rather than the Good Places™, so that nobody's lost.

- It looks like somebody from inside the Rust Project, but not with the consensus of all leadership, tried to downgrade my talk (or perhaps have it outright retracted) because they did not like the direction the compile-time work I was doing. (Learned from:


@thephd after starting a job in corporation I found out how many patterns of similar behaviour are shared between it and open source world. With distinction that corporations actually pay you for something that can only be described as trench warfare while open source demands that you do it in free time for free. That's why I no longer participate in open source "fun".

Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus

I deserve better than this opaque, institutional bickerings from a mature, open-source programming language.

The Pasture | I Am No Longer Speaking at RustConf 2023 |

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Guillaume Racicot

@thephd damn. Why do all the good and mature languages seem to just reject reflection these days?

Wil van Antwerpen ✅

@thephd that's horrendous.
So sorry you had to go through this.


@thephd it’s bizarre how frequently I hear of organizational/political machinations with the Rust project that cast a shadow on it all. It’s too bad people don’t seem to know how to behave professionally.

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