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14 posts total

I don't know anything about this instance or its community, but I like this section of its About page. It feels like a human being talking about what they're willing to do for other humans.
The way corporate platforms communicate (or fail to) has really skewed our understandings of what kinds of relationships we get into with them. Human communication like this feels like it's recalibrating that a bit, to something better and more like a future I'd like to live in.


LOL, looks like I'm getting some new followers due to twitter making terrible UX changes again.
Welcome! In case they're interesting, here are two of my ongoing mastodon-exclusive threads:
No Man's Sky visual travelogue, going since summer 2018:
My trip through Doomworld's 100 Most Memorable Maps, currently paused at #65:


In case anyone cares, here are two open source fonts I use on any desktop computer that lets me customize fonts:
Inter, a variable width sans serif:
Iosevka, which has several flavors including a nice monospace I use anytime I'm reading or writing code:

JP This was unexpected... a masto/twitter-like service cobbled from the Matrix framework. Diversity of approaches seems good, and this is coming from outside the ActivityPub-based sphere. Very curious as to what the social consequences of a mainstreamed version of "reputation feeds" would be.


Cycle Knight (1986) box art awareness/appreciation thread


Just released "Works of the Masters", a deluxe edition of Master Levels of Doom II:
Classic and lesser-known work from the best mappers id Software could find in 1995, now playable in complete episodes. I'm just the curator here. [bows reverently]


1980s microcomputer history is full of companies that started strong but blundered and died off. A lot of these stories manifest as canceled products, like the Commodore 65:
It would have been a very Apple IIGS-like last hurrah for their 8-bit line, with advanced graphics modes and a GUI. The possibilities of these kinds of generation-ending machines are always kind of tantalizing to me, like a venerable system's final boss form. The Coolest C64 Possible, never to be.

Darius Kazemi

@jplebreton finally, 65-bit computing for the masses


Concept-wise and in the size and pace of its engagements, Monster Hunter Ltd. Parts 1 & 2 (#073) is more like a big budget game than most of what I've played on this list so far - STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl specifically comes to mind. A detailed real world setting twisted into uncanny horror, built with a high level of polish and an exceptional eye for texturing. Towards the end, you encounter one of the scariest things I've ever seen in a Doom level.


Spooky Sunken Ship (#075) from "Doom: The Golden Souls 2", a ridiculously charming ZDoom extravaganza that drops basic Doom action into a heavily Mario-influenced world of coins, jumping, monsters with cartoony behaviors, and a beautiful SMB3-style overworld map. This level dials down the mod's characteristic happy tone and uses some Super Metroid music to create a gloomy, mazelike exploration experience. Yet another fine example of Doom modding's aesthetic range.


I collected together Doomworld's Top 100 Most Memorable Maps and started playing through the list, from #100:
This is a bit of an undertaking, and I've played somewhere between 10-25% of them already, but it'll be good for filling in a lot of gaps in my knowledge, and food for my level design brain of course.


WAD Wednesday starting in about 30 minutes, at 7pm PST:


me, every time i hear about a really good 'food'


Finally decided that since black hole roulette no longer works, 120k LY from the Galactic Hub is close enough to say "F it, road trip it is". First refueling stop was an uncharted blue star with a planet called simply "Peggy", that was classified as a "Vile Anomaly". Constant pinkish rain and some moderately curious stripey creatures, but I don't see what's so vile about it. Onward...


Only about 20k LY left to the Hub - this has gone far quicker than expected!
I use The Porcelain Grasshopper for long trips like this, an A-class Explorer that gets about 1090 LY per warp * 20 warps on a full tank.
Along the way, it's the quietest places that compel me to linger a moment. A brilliant purple system, uncharted and undiscovered til today, with a single, massive, dreary planet. Just me and a few scissor-tailed birds that remind me of Texas.

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