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Only about 20k LY left to the Hub - this has gone far quicker than expected!
I use The Porcelain Grasshopper for long trips like this, an A-class Explorer that gets about 1090 LY per warp * 20 warps on a full tank.
Along the way, it's the quietest places that compel me to linger a moment. A brilliant purple system, uncharted and undiscovered til today, with a single, massive, dreary planet. Just me and a few scissor-tailed birds that remind me of Texas.

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And before I know it, I'm there. Gain's Folly on TopOfTheTree3, the "portal system" people can visit (but not settle) via portal, as I had a few weeks ago before deciding on this adventure.
I wasn't sure if civilization would fade in gradually the way it does in a real-life road trip, with gas stations and suburbs slowly rising up into cityscape. But this is a universe of instantaneous warp travel, and grand structures appearing overnight.

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