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117 posts total
Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

why are we all talking about snakes what happened who is the snake

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

Vanity Fair’s description of Paul Atreides from Dune:

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

Had a dream that I got transported to like the 1830s with a group of people, and we were trying to figure out how it happened, but then suddenly missile silos and tanks and fighter jets started getting transported into the past as well, and I looked at the camera and said, “Oh my God, the U.S. government is trying to colonize itself in the past.”

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

Why is the shit emoji smiling. What does it know that we don’t.

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

I like how American anticommunist propaganda would have you believe religion was completely outlawed in the USSR, as if people were being dragged out of their houses for owning a Bible, when in reality they literally just did with state atheism what Christianity does in America. It had a cultural hegemony and was socially stigmatic, not illegal. Pretty much a mirror of the American Christian-Nonchristian experience.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq Some priests did get arrested and sent to gulags though.

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

You can argue about super strength or flight or invisibility but the best superpower to have if you just want to live your life and not like fight crime or whatever is luck. Imagine if just everything was constantly going your way.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq There was a superhero with this power in one of the Deadpool movies. Domino I think?

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

Eugen: I don’t want to add geotagging

Fedi: did you hear that Eugen said, “I ... want to add geotagging”???

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

I’m going to rewrite Harry Potter but make it good.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq But Eliezer Yudkowsky has already done that

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

I think it’s funny when anime artists draw cat girls with ears like right on top of their head, because it means their ear canals just go straight down into their brain.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq Very often they also draw both cat ears and human ears, which is a lot of ears

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

Cleared out my inactives again so if you got caught up in the purge just lmk.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq This seems like such counterproductive shit. "Okay, let's check back on this platform I haven't visisted in a while. Hmm. Home feed is empty. Dead network! Going back to Twitter now"

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

So this is what it’s like to be on radtown. I’m sorry. I had no idea.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq Search works but not all old stuff is in the index yet

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

Honestly Marx was kind of a shithead. Not a good dude. Important writer though, don't get me wrong.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq Yeah I recently read a piece about his views on race. Not cool.

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

That CHOP stuff is crazy and a good example as to why you shouldn’t believe everything you read on Mastodon just because the person writing it seems praxisy.

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

some day i will be able to perform a keyword search of my toots and return every result where that word has been said, instead of a seemingly random assortment of 3 to 5.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq What keyword are you using? It should return everything. There's a button to load more posts.

Gnomeo from Gnomestuck

I can totally understand the sadness that comes with beloved restaurants/bars closing and neighborhoods losing their "character" but part of me feels like it's cyclical and intensely generational. You talk to anyone from 25 to 80 and they'll all tell you about how some square or street just "isn't like it used to be," but each will give you a different reason as to why. Nothing lasts forever.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq Except Rivendell with the power of one of the three rings

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