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14 posts total

Who here remembers old Tony from ca. 2015? :tony_happy:

He clearly needed that cup of coffee! 😅

#Throwback #Design

Alt :vivaldi_blue:

@Vivaldi Isn’t that design from ca. 2016?

I still remember the even older Tony that wore a bowler hat and had a mustache :tony_laughing:

There’s not many pictures of him left in the internet, but I managed to find one :tony_wee:


You've probably heard us talk about it before: Vivaldi is owned by its employees and has 0 external investors.

In this day and age, it's a such a privilege to be independent. This allows us to set our own priorities and listen to users' needs.

People often wonder how this model is sustainable. Here’s how we make the money we need to keep doing what we’re doing. We appreciate your support! 👇


The @linuxuserspace podcast covers Vivaldi this week, our arrival to #Flathub and the release of our #iOS version.

We're proud to develop a #browser that is appreciated by the #Linux community! 🐧

Gilles Gagniard

@Vivaldi @linuxuserspace

Any plan to progress on open sourcing #vivaldi, or is this still the official position of the #vivaldi team?

Everyone would definitely benefit from more competition in the #privacy and #security conscious browser space (which is essentially only #firefox today) and #vivaldi has the potential to be a fantastic contender!


Meet the newest – and the youngest member of our family – Vivaldi on iOS. :tony_wee: Welcome it by heading straight to the App Store to download it! 🍎

Get all the details on our blog👇

We've had a lot of fun building it, here’s our story 📽️
#VivaldiOniOS #iPhone #iPad #iOS

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@Vivaldi Are you currently planning to go open source? Without that your promises about data protection and privacy can't be believed.


@Vivaldi finally 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Did you know that our company has no external investors? :tony_normal:

Vivaldi is owned by its employees, and we plan to keep it that way.

This independence and freedom allows us to listen to you and build the browser you deserve.

All the ideas and feedback from our community are taken seriously, so never hesitate to suggest improvements. We are listening. 🙂

Have a nice weekend! 🎉

Wiredfire :BA:

@Vivaldi biggest thing stopping me fully going Vivaldi on iOS is the absence of a reading mode / view. Safari and Brave both have this, allowing me to instantly get an uncluttered easier to read view of an article. Would love to see this in Vivaldi 😊


Is data the new oil?

"If oil is destroying the planet, then the collection of data is doing the same", says @jon in an interview with Christian Allner from DER SEMINAR.

Listen to this exciting episode about #DataPrivacy and #datacollection 👇

The interview was conducted in English and starts from minute 17:51.

#interview #privacy #DSGVO #podcast #browser


Do you want to get that little bit extra out of your browser?

Vivaldi Tips has tips for Vivaldi on #Desktop, #Android, #Mail and our services. Learn something new every day, with our daily tips at

You can also follow the blog here in the Fediverse by following @tips


The Vivaldi Browser's #QRCode generator let's you quickly and easily share URLs across devices.

With it enabled in your Address bar settings, just click the QR symbol in the addressbar on #Desktop, or in the Share menu on #Android.

Deurman@fosstodon $ :idle:

Hmm... I wonder what YouTube video that could be there. I guess the only to find out is by scanning the code...

Alexey Skobkin

It was very useful to me when I was working on video about Mastodon and Fediverse. I was recommending a lot of resources like server catalogs. It made easy for me to generate a bunch of QR codes to show in the corner of the screen.

Unfortunately it was the only time I used it 🙂


🔊Our new #desktop version arrives with #Mastodon integrated into the sidebar of the browser.

Discover new ways to communicate & much more in our new update. Did we say you can now stack (group) your pinned tabs? 🤩

#VivaldiBrowser #Browser
Download Vivaldi 5.6 👇

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@Vivaldi I would not call this an Integration. It's just normal usage of a panel. There was no Code Writing needed for this "future", was there? If you want it like that, why don't you guys simply add to a panel and whups: "We integrated Windows into Vivaldi - YAY!" Mail is an integration. Mastodon is not.


@Vivaldi I would really, really love to use Vivaldi as my daily browser, I really like all the nifty features, but two things break it for me - first, I do want my browser to be the same on all platforms I use (Linux, Windows, macOS), but when using Vivaldi, my Macbook Pro's batteries just burns trough, especially when playing videos, and second - tab containers, so much easier than "persons"...


Did you know that many of #Vivaldi's best features have been implemented upon the request of our #Community, made for the #Browser and Web Services on the Vivaldi Forum.

Head on to the forum to search 🔎 and upvote 👍 features you'd like to see in Vivaldi and if your wish isn't listed yet, create a new feature request.

Feature requests can be found under the relevant category, so mobile requests are in the mobile section.


#Browsers are ending their support for Windows 7 and 8.1 in 2023. Vivaldi dev and security expert Yngve Pettersen explains the challenges faced by browsers as to why they end support of various operating system versions.

Being based on Chromium, the updates removing support for #Win7 and #Win8.1 will be coming in #Chromium 110 which will be the foundation for the next #Vivaldi release after v5.6 - will we be able to maintain support?

Read more:

#Browsers are ending their support for Windows 7 and 8.1 in 2023. Vivaldi dev and security expert Yngve Pettersen explains the challenges faced by browsers as to why they end support of various operating system versions.

Being based on Chromium, the updates removing support for #Win7 and #Win8.1 will be coming in #Chromium 110 which will be the foundation for the next #Vivaldi release after v5.6 - will we be able to maintain support?

Flaky Did those Windows versions have any extended support that warranted the browsers keeping up their support? Curious.

ra-mon ✌️

@Vivaldi I'm still a happy Windows 7 user, until Vivaldi don't work anymore on this OS 👍
Remember the 1st bug i reported in nov.2014 was "Vivaldi don't work on WinXP" 🤪


Lots of people from all over the world have joined Vivaldi Social :tony_wee:, which means you'll come across posts in many different languages. We have 2 tips for you:
1. Go to Preferences > Other > Filter languages to select in which languages you want to see posts in.
2. When posting, select your post's language (from the same menu as attachments, content warnings, etc.), so the right people won't miss your posts. You can set a default language in Preferences > Other > Posting language.

Douglas Camata

@Vivaldi It's also possible to follow a profile only for posts in a certain language. Click on the Profile -> Three dots (...) -> Change subscribed languages. It's available on servers running 4.x, can't speak for 3.5.x.


Много людей со всего мира присоединились к Vivaldi Social, а это значит, что вы можете читать сообщения на разных языках. 2 совета для вас:
1 Перейдите в Настройки > Другие > Фильтровать языки, чтобы выбрать языки, на которых вы хотите видеть сообщения.
2 При публикации выберите язык сообщения (из того же меню, что и вложения, предупреждения о содержании и т. д.), чтобы другие пользователи не пропустили ваши сообщения. Вы можете установить язык по умолчанию в Настройки > Другое > Язык сообщений.


Recently, we experimented with a new social media account on #Mastodon. Now we've taken a few steps further. We run our own server open to all.
It's great to be on the #Fediverse with
Read the news 👉
#TwitterMigration #MastodonMigration

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Grant Cruickshank

@Vivaldi My goodness, I did not see this coming! Proud of you, folks. Amazing news.

Hippo 🦀🦀

@Vivaldi oh whoa! This is big news!!

More and more people seem to be coming to the Fediverse every day, and I'm constantly surprised 🤯

def #nowar

@Vivaldi боже, почему я вижу рекламу этого говна уже и тут. Есть все же минусы в том что феди расширяется.

@Evv1L зачем ты репостишь это понять не могу

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