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4 posts total

I have had to attend two meetings this week & it has left me looking a bit like this.

#sillyScribbles #mushtodon #silly #fungi #nonsense

A photo of a mushroom in rough grass. It is brown, the top half dark, and the bottom half, which looks solid rather than frilled, a lighter cream. I have used the line between dark and light as a mouth, and drawn two fang like teeth pointing down on the left and right. Eyes have been added above each fang. On its right is another similar mushroom, this one broken at the top of the stem.
Petra van Cronenburg

@eclectech So we could throw you into a pan with some butter? 😉 Relax well!


@eclectech But that's a bolete! You could eat that!


I like watching water, and because I like watching water I quite often photograph or video water, then I quite often draw people watching it.

I am not sure this makes absolute sense, but there you are.

#Scotland #river #photography #video #drawing


Last year I found a mushroom on my back lawn hugging a blade of grass.

How adorable is that?

(Yes, I am still sorting through photos and videos and ignoring politics and things that will make me angry, thank you for asking)

#fungi #mushroom #scotland #garden #lawn #grass #cute #photo #mushtodon #silly #hug

A close up photo of a brown mushroom. It curls upwards, and a blade of grass pokes up, as if it is wrapping its arms around it. I have added cartoon eyes and mouth. It smiles sweetly.
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