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Tetra Gentoo is the only DIY distro that I've used where the audio always works, and idk why


I spent 4 hours wondering why audio wasnt working only to realize i had alsa muted

Emma (IPG)

STEP 1: Open PowerShell as admin
STEP 2: Type wininit.exe
STEP 3: You are now running 2 copies of Windows at once

Emma (IPG)


Emma (IPG)

do not trust and their verified identities, or their and instances

they use their "verification" service to make a false claim of association for accounts such as BBC and NPR at their instance, despite them not being at all official

they then use a fake checkmark badge and tag their Twitter mirroring accounts on with this verification to mislead people into thinking they're official

Screenshot of's verification page, claiming that "" owns ""
Screenshot of, showing a fake verification emoji and a verified link, claiming they're verified to be BBC on Twitter.
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@ipg that might violate the dot coop agreements, you should talk to them. Coop’s aren’t supposed to make movement look bad it’s in rochdale principles as an inverse of a rule on inter cooperation.
Baka emmie

@ipg realized they exist 1-d days ago when I saw the NPR account on their, really don't know how to deal with this...

On one hand I agree with having some place that is willing to faithfully mirror those news outlets

On the other hand I agree the profile green checks are a bit too misleading. Even for someone familiar with the fediverse it takes quite a bit of effort to realize the profile green check is fabricated

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:

@ipg “Do not trust .. verified identities”

Several other official sources check (such as websites and Linkedin profiles, for example) + common sense check (helps against hacked official accounts to some extent) is always better, and the best is instances like’s one which is linked to organization’s official website domain

Emma (IPG)

me: *drops phone without case on concrete*
me: "please don't be cracked"
the phone:

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Gallen NFC#3536

*Checks date* oh, it's not April 1st. Ooops...


@ipg I noticed this earlier! The hackers unlisted/unprivated a lot of videos before completely nuking the channel, which was incredibly odd. Only have this one screen shot.

A screenshot of the Videos tab of the Linus Tech Tips channel showings tons of videos from around 2013 that were never made public for one reason or another.
Emma (IPG)

my favourite fact of life is that no matter how badly you fuck up "spongebob" in the discord gif picker that fucker's always gonna show up

Emma (IPG)

remember to call chiptune music "midi" in front of your nearest chiptune enthusiast


@ipg super mario bros 3 had some of the finest midi compositions

alex :antiverified:

@ipg i mean i guess all music can be represented as midi so… not entirely wrong?

Emma (IPG)

Remember What They Took From You.

A Google Developer Help page titled "Whom are you federating with?" in the "Using Google Talk (XMPP)" category.

We currently support open federation with any service provider that supports the industry standard XMPP protocol. This includes Earthlink, Gizmo Project, Tiscali, Netease, Chikka, MediaRing, and thousands of other ISPs, universities, corporations and individual users.
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@ipg It's kinda funny in a sad way how utterly incompetent Google is at managing their products, but is more than capable of manipulating and destroying entire markets.

Jeff Moe


I have never forgotten. Thanks for the screenshot! :)

Viva Jabber!

Djoerd Hiemstra

@ipg and then they killed hangouts too 🤦

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