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Every internet of shit, phone, tablet, and other sorts of device manufacturers should be required to push/post a root unlock firmware for their devices before they can stop supporting them. There's too goddamn much ewaste from everything already. If they're going to abandon their devices, at least make it easy for people to unlock them and do whatever else they want with them.

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Brian McKenna

@JessTheUnstill I want a list of hardware vendors to use and which to avoid. I started one a while ago:

Alonely0 🦀

@JessTheUnstill that's not good enough for me. All devices by law, that their tampering would not pose a direct risk to human life (e.g., medical devices and heavy machinery), ought to be jailbreakable, period.

F4GRX Sébastien

@JessTheUnstill no manufacturer will ever pay for that because they wont profit from it. And it would be shitty. I would be happy with full development docs instead.


I love moving to inclusive naming of things in tech.

Not only is "Allowlist/Blocklist" (or equivalent) more inclusive than "whitelist/blacklist", it also makes it that much more clear what putting something on the list actually does.

Same with Master branches on code repositories - what does that even mean? It's not actually ruling over any other branches, it's just the main code trunk all of the others are branching off of. Calling it "master" just makes it more confusing.

Same with "master/slave" databases - Active/standby is going to be more clear about the roles and responsibilities of the various servers.

I love moving to inclusive naming of things in tech.

Not only is "Allowlist/Blocklist" (or equivalent) more inclusive than "whitelist/blacklist", it also makes it that much more clear what putting something on the list actually does.

Same with Master branches on code repositories - what does that even mean? It's not actually ruling over any other branches, it's just the main code trunk all of the others are branching off of. Calling it "master" just makes it more confusing.

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@JessTheUnstill I don’t disagree with the naming, but “active/standby” is less clear to me. Because that indicates a failover, which is not always the role of a replica.

For example, I’ve got the primary copy, failovers in active replication, then multiple query replicas that have specific functions to handle query/read processing via query direction with ProxySQL.

And having worked with Active-Active databases, I’m even less inclined with that description. Primary? Write?

Dunno. Terminology is hard.

@JessTheUnstill I don’t disagree with the naming, but “active/standby” is less clear to me. Because that indicates a failover, which is not always the role of a replica.

For example, I’ve got the primary copy, failovers in active replication, then multiple query replicas that have specific functions to handle query/read processing via query direction with ProxySQL.


@JessTheUnstill Another master/slave change we can make perhaps is host/client.

Mike Pirnat

@JessTheUnstill @jugmac00 A while back I saw “yaylist/naylist” and appreciated both the brevity and the rhyme.


PSA for my cis followers:

"Transwoman" and "Biological woman" are transphobe dog whistles. They're meant to try to indicate that trans women are not women.

Just remember: you don't say someone is a tallwoman or a blondewoman, she's a tall woman or a blonde woman.

And unless you're talking about a fembot, all women are biological women.


The correct terms are trans woman or cis woman. And if someone is offended by being called a cis woman, you can call her an asshole.

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@JessTheUnstill I'd need a whole lot of extra nuance in order to agree with that, but I realise that getting a point across concisely is hazardous.

Carol Warady

@JessTheUnstill just trying to understand . There is a difference between writing transwoman as opposed to trans woman? In conversation that would not be possible to differentiate.



I typically use the full word, "transgender" (so, "transgender person", or "transgender woman" etc. if needed). Is that bad now?


, , , , , and literally anyone else who explores genders outside their assigned one:

You Are "Trans Enough" to be visible with us today if you want to be. You don't have to apologize for anything. You're not appropriating anything. You. Are. Trans. Enough. When an AMAB Demiboy is visible, it makes my community bigger, stronger, and more vibrant. When an AFAB genderqueer friend is visible, it brings additional color and community to our family. It doesn't matter if nobody outside of your closest friends ever genders you correctly, you never dress differently, you never wear pronoun pins, or whatever. You can be trans if you want to be trans. And I'll love to welcome you to the club. There's plenty of room.

, , , , , and literally anyone else who explores genders outside their assigned one:

You Are "Trans Enough" to be visible with us today if you want to be. You don't have to apologize for anything. You're not appropriating anything. You. Are. Trans. Enough. When an AMAB Demiboy is visible, it makes my community bigger, stronger, and more vibrant. When an AFAB genderqueer friend is visible, it brings additional color and community to our family....


To everyone who says: "They can't do that, it's unconstitutional!"

That means justice would require a court battle.

It will end up in the same Supreme Court who has willy nilly overturned 50 years of precedent and case law because it fits their ideology.

It's a dog whistle to their followers that they're free to ramp up their hatred and discrimination against said minority and the state will not punish them for it.

It means that cops can harass you for violating that law, and simply decline to prosecute you all day long, giving nobody actual standing to challenge the law. That's how anti-sodomy laws stayed on the books for decades despite not being enforced.

It's a chilling effect on that community - a state-wide sign that you're not wanted here. You should leave. If you stay, we're not going to protect you. You're all alone.

To everyone who says: "They can't do that, it's unconstitutional!"

That means justice would require a court battle.

It will end up in the same Supreme Court who has willy nilly overturned 50 years of precedent and case law because it fits their ideology.

It's a dog whistle to their followers that they're free to ramp up their hatred and discrimination against said minority and the state will not punish them for it.

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