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1,343 posts total
Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

A video showcasing the technology and some of its flaws and possible advantages

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

@rf В связи с обновлением сервера/обновлением настроек безопасности в ближайшее время могут быть перебои работы сервера. Спасибо за ваше понимание.

Alexey Skobkin

В связи с несовершенством DNSSEC 😏

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Hey, pssst, yes, you there with your collectible Miku set...

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

When you start new year with hopes and dreams just to understand that it's December already and nothing changed

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

This is the approximate of how dolphins see humans. This 2D image was produced by CymaScope, a device that records a dolphin’s echolocation signals and turns them into a virtual image. This is a picture of a diver as seen by a dolphin

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Get comfortable with loosing your stock Ubisuck

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