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Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Yay, this game got a release date - 7th March

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

:blobcatgooglytrash: @drq

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@ZySoua I expected a video game related meme on that matter


@ZySoua @drq macOS Monterey wich takes 15.24 GB:

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Even I, who is so far from programming start to get these jokes


@ZySoua мне срочно нужна такая чесалка - мои котики линяют уже который месяц - всё в шерсти!😅

Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

Oh yes, my gaming chair is suffering this fate constantly...

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@ZySoua We've brought that up during one of our podcasts. Funniest shit I've ever seen.

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