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19 posts total
David Amador

Photograph of the same place in the Artic 100 years apart. And new picture is already from 2003.

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@djlink And most telling feature in the two pictures? The 100 yo pic has a man with oars, and the 2003 pic a man with outboard motor.



It is amazing how million years old ice can melt in a matter of years.


@djlink and? It's not quite the rain-forest rich ecosphere, isn't it? Nonetheless we should ASAP DNS-sequence ever living plant ane being because climate change is a reality.

David Amador

I feel it’s been a while since you last hear that sweet degauss sound, so here it is!

Carlos Rodrigues 🪣

@djlink I think that kind of tone (as opposed to a short clack) sound was typical of aperture grille (trinitron) tubes.

In the 90's, my parents had a 27-inch (or close to that) Sony Trinitron TV that made such a loud roaring sound on startup that would scare your cat.

Something like this:

Vincent Hamm

@djlink I had completely forgotten about this!

David Amador

been saying this for a while, it's not that Reddit and Discord don't have their place, but they are tools for other things. There is no good replacement for good old forums, indexable that you can search for a solution for a problem someone solved 10y ago

Internet forums are disappearing because now everything is Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.

    The conversation has been moved to social networks and new platforms for years
    But many of them are closed and don't index in search engines
    Reddit has ended up becoming the great global discussion forum, but that has its dangers
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Kofi Loves Efia :verified:

@djlink social networking sites that collect eyes beat sites that don't because they aren't held to account for the harms they cause, aggregate, and magnify. While small forums *are* held to account. Big social media is a *policy* decision

Winter Trabex


I'm not sure I would miss forums, because they are most often a place where people wind each other up to do concern trolling (ie, gamergate).

Takiro 🎨

Just yesterday someone announced a new discord "server" for artists and I just thought. No thanks, I don't want to use an AI infested software made by nft fanboys and especially not for art.

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Luna :circleA:

@djlink The actual reason is Tim Sweeney fucking hates Linux. He has decades of history of spreading misinformation about Linux. He'll only begrudginly add support if he's forced to

Stijn van Drongelen

@djlink Tim removing Linux support from existing games: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Tim not being able to sell games for Steam Deck: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

Miri :donor:

@djlink FWIW, I don’t think any of the FN team was part of the layoffs. Saying this as someone who recently left Epic.

David Amador

recorded a Windows 95 full disk defrag to soothe your timeline.

David Amador

A couple free & open-source Engines and game frameworks you can use today as alternatives. Feel free to comment with more.

Godot -
Defold -
Adventure Studio -
bgfx -
armory3d -
ogre3d -
Renpy -


A couple free & open-source Engines and game frameworks you can use today as alternatives. Feel free to comment with more.

Godot -
Defold -
Adventure Studio -
bgfx -
armory3d -
ogre3d -
Renpy -

David Amador

BBC is creating official mastodon accounts as part of experimenting with fediverse. Hope more official orgs pick up

David Amador

Here are over 150GB of free sound effects, royalty-free and commercially usable on your #gamedev projects

Archive: GameAudioGDC

Each year we give away thousands of dollars worth of sound effects for free in celebration of the Game Developers Conference. This is our archive. Everything is royalty-free and commercially usable. No attribution is required and you can use them on an unlimited number of projects.
Jayenkai [ J-N-K ]

@djlink I popped a few of those in a year or so ago. They're really quite handy!

Pixel Puddle 🔞

There's also the 2023 collection (45GB), and the monthly GDC audio releases (16GB) that preceded these :)

David Amador

I'm sorry but this was the first thing that my brain remembered.

chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
@djlink so he's gonna have a 30% income tax to nintendo for likely the rest of his life? normal stuff
David Amador

Just wanna say that if you connect the Wii U GameCube adapter on a Switch you can play Metroid Prime Remaster with a GC controller. It works!

David Amador

only thing not mapped is the Inventory/Options menu because there’s no Minus “-“ button on GC, but Start button is the Map which is way more useful. I feel like I rarely use that button anyway but keeping an extra controller around helps with that.

David Amador

some steampunk vibes here, the tractor-cycle is a 1938 motorcycle equipped with a belt instead of wheels, invented by J. Lehaitre in Paris.

David Amador

Been coding for ~15 years, here are my top 5 programming tips

-Get a good chair
-Get up and walk more often
-Drink more water
-Don’t sit hunched, raise your monitor/laptop monitor height
-Know when to stop for the day

*your code is gonna be much better

#programming #gamedev

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bjb :devuannew: :emacs:

@djlink My "good chair", that I bring to my job, is a small $25.00 steno chair.
No arms, and it scoots around my cube easily. No full-body wrassling to get it to move around the cubicle and I can sit on it sideways if that is convenient.

Your Good Chair doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.

Shannon Clark

@djlink I’m not a full time coder these days. But best advice I got now a few decades ago from a coworker was to go take a walk by the river - a little physical activity and a short walk (especially with some nature) is really helpful and a great way to reset and com back fo work challenges with fresh eyes (also good before sending a too quick response to something online)

Robert A. Hill

@djlink These are very good tips. I learned late in my career that a good standing desk or podium is 100% worth it and not theater. Also, one thing that took my quite some time to learn is that a "good chair" is not necessarily a chair with a ton of features or good looks, but one that enforces good posture regardless of configuration.

David Amador

I want to make a test on the % reach a post can have in terms of people in other servers. Are you seeing this post on or another server? (Appreciate if you can boost this).

Anonymous poll


I'm on Gamedev
On another server
416 people voted.
Voting ended 1 Dec 2022 at 16:04.
Rich D May

@djlink I voted, but presumably since I follow you things are a bit skewed?

Big Ducky :duck_verified:

@djlink I see it from another server because someone I follow (from a third server) boosted your post.

David Amador

insane timing of lightning striking a tree. Photo Credit: Debbie Parker.

Main Event Kris Mastodon

@djlink Imagine taking it a half second sooner and all you have is a tree.

Psoul 🏳️‍🌈:vbike:🇺🇸

@djlink never tell me the odds… fascinating
And this isn’t a still frame from a video is it?

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