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Oro "it's flatpak time" 🏳️‍🌈

@djlink it's not as if it's a simple checkbox and then let the community figure the rest out anyways, right? Right?

Essem :skeeter:

@orowith2os @djlink the architecture they use for anticheat seems to be made in such a way that pressing the checkbox wouldn't change anything (and would probably even make it worse)

@esm @djlink @orowith2os @iska The minute rootkits become involved is the moment I'm out.

If they want people to be interested, that shit has to go.
emilweth :erm:

@djlink + epic games has killed more linux support than they have ported games for it


@emilweth @djlink

Fun fact. Rocket League worked perfectly on Steam without any modifications needed from Epic to make it work on Linux. After they moved it to the Epic Launcher the game was completely unlaunchable.

How does a game go from working to not working UNLESS the company has changed something. I don't buy that Epic doesn't know how to make games work on Linux. They just don't want to support efforts like Proton because then Valve gets all the credit.


@eleix @emilweth @djlink still works perfectly on steam deck, if you had it when it was on steam it will still work from steam and still gets all the latest updates

Joel Auterson

@djlink pretty sure valve has significantly fewer programmers than epic


@djlink That so many should be employed to make such egregious profits to so little purpose is an emblematic condemnation of our times. There is useful work to be done.


@Healthcarer @djlink this is a very get of my lawn response. The kids want fortnite dances and if Mom and Dad pay for them then it's with whatever they're willing to pay

remote procedure chris

@djlink every single company rn: it's just a hard problem, getting our shit to not suck as of specifically this year. it could have been caused by anything

Essem :skeeter:

@djlink the way that it handles anticheat is ridiculous anyways, they have an entire system just for fortnite that switches between two entirely different kernel-level client-side implementations (with different levels of quality) every day

in addition, they use this on every mode (even the ones where it wouldn't make sense at all like party royale) and one of them (battleye) goes above and beyond to try and detect vms, meaning that i'm only able to play the game every other day on my pc


@djlink I play it on the deck with GeForce now which I already had cause I’m a mac user. Works very well this way and even has maxed FX since it’s just a stream

Luna :circleA:

@djlink The actual reason is Tim Sweeney fucking hates Linux. He has decades of history of spreading misinformation about Linux. He'll only begrudginly add support if he's forced to

Stijn van Drongelen

@djlink Tim removing Linux support from existing games: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Tim not being able to sell games for Steam Deck: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

Miri :donor:

@djlink FWIW, I don’t think any of the FN team was part of the layoffs. Saying this as someone who recently left Epic.

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